Around the School

The Holy Week observances call us to move behind the joyful celebrations of Palm Sunday and Easter, and focus on the suffering, humiliation, and death that is part of Holy Week. It is important to place the hope of the Resurrection, the promise of newness and life, against the background of death and endings. It is only in walking through the shadows and darkness of Holy Week and Good Friday, only in realizing the horror and magnitude of sin and its consequences in the world portrayed by the cross, only in contemplating the ending and despair that the disciples felt on Holy Saturday, that we can truly understand the light and hope of Sunday morning!
In observing this truth, that new beginnings come from endings, many people are able to draw a parable of their own lives and faith journey from the observances of Holy Week. In providing people with the opportunity to experience this truth in liturgy and symbol, the Easter services become a powerful proclamation of the transformative power of the Gospel, and God at work in the lives of people.
Today we shared the story of the suffering and death of Jesus as we journeyed on the Way of the Cross. Thank you for joining us for this prayerful re-telling of the trials, suffering and death of Jesus.
Easter Raffle
Thank you very much for your overwhelming support with the Easter Raffle. We will, undoubtedly, have many excited students today as we draw the prizes. The funds raised through the Easter Raffle directly support the initiatives of the Drummo Social Circle (Mother's Day and Father's Day breakfasts, Disco etc.). A special thank you to Kim and Bree for their work preparing the prizes.
St Patrick's Day Celebrations
Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate St Patrick's Day and congratulations to our Clare Madden Award for School Spirit recipients Oliver, Isobel, Sevilla and George who were celebrated as part of our St Patrick's Day Mass.
The Gift Of Giving
Project Compassion calls on Australians to 'Be More' during this time of giving, Massimo has generously donated money to help those in need, gold coins from free dress today will also be donated to Project Compassion.
A drum roll please.......The grand total raised today is $532.
Year 4 Students Stepped Back In Time
Last week our Year 4 Students spent 2 days at Sovereign Hill learning what it was like to live as children in 1854.
After School Netball
Please see the attached note for more information.
Congratulations to Bryce, Lily and Billy who swam in the Greater Western Regional Swimming Sports last Friday in Horsham.
Bryce will go on to swim at the state event in Butterfly and Breaststroke next Term.
The Midlands Swim meet took place on the 14th March, congratulations to all of our students who participated and represented St Pat's Primary with pride and enthusiasm!
Lost Property
We have an abundance of lost property at the moment, many jumpers without names.
Extend Before and After School Care