From the Principal

Dear families,
As we reach the end of our first term, I wanted to take a moment to extend my thanks to each and every one of you. Your unwavering dedication, tireless efforts, and boundless enthusiasm have made this term an exceptional journey filled with growth, learning, and unforgettable moments.
From our passionate teachers and learning support staff who pour their hearts into nurturing our students' minds, to our diligent administrative staff who ensure the smooth operation of our school, and not forgetting our incredible students whose curiosity and thirst for knowledge continue to inspire us daily - each of you plays an integral role in shaping the vibrant tapestry of our school community.
Together, we have overcome challenges, embraced new opportunities, and celebrated countless achievements. Whether it was organising engaging activities, supporting one another through difficult times, or simply showing up with a smile each day, your contributions have not gone unnoticed.
As we reflect on the past few months, let us carry forward the spirit of collaboration, resilience, and kindness that defines us as the St. Patrick's family. With the support of one another, there is no limit to what we can accomplish in the coming terms.
Thank you, once again, for your hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Here's to a successful first term and a bright continuation of 2024!
Closure Days - Term 2
There are two scheduled closure days throughout term 2. The dates have been aligned, as best we can, to offer an extended break for your families around public holidays.
Thursday 25th April (week 2) is a public holiday for ANZAC day. Friday 26th April is a school closure day to support our continuing work in the School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) model at our school, which is an evidence-based whole school behaviour management approach.
We also have a closure day scheduled for Friday 7th June.
Eucharist Sacramental Meeting
The school will support the parish with the Eucharistic Sacramental program for students making the Sacrament of First Communion (First Eucharist). The parent information session will be held at St Patrick's Primary School for our families on Tuesday 23rd April at 9:00am and repeated at 3:30pm.
2025 Foundation Enrolments
2025 Foundation Enrolments are now open. If you have a child in kindergarten and you would like to secure a place for them in Foundation at St Patrick's in 2025, you need to follow the enrolment application process outlined on our website:
Please note - this is for all enrolments including our current St Patrick's families. Applications close on 23rd May.
There has been great feedback around the introduction of SchoolTV this term. Currently, you can find published resources around Bullying, Neurodiversity, Healthy & Nutrition, Cultural Diversity, Sleep and Positive Parenting. Our intention is to slowly release topics, however if there is something of particular interest that would assist you, please reach out and we can investigate and share topics as needed.
Click on the link below to access a wealth of videos, articles, and resources on the aforementioned topics.
All Editions | St Patrick's School - Ballarat (
Winter School Uniform (Term 2 & 3)
From the beginning of term 2 students will be required to wear their full winter school uniform. Please see the below list of uniform items that may be worn during this time. There are many items available at our second hand uniform shop - please come in and have a look and we're happy to help out.
Girls -
Pinafore - Gordon check tartan
Trousers - Long grey gabardine pants (no jeans)
Shirt - Gold polo shirt (long or short sleeve).
Jumper - Bottle Green, Woolen jumper with school logo.
Tights - Bottle green
Socks - Plain white or St Patrick’s socks
Shoes - Black (must be all black)
Hair accessories - Green or gold ribbons; Green, gold or white hair bands.
Boys -
Trousers - Long grey gabardine pants (no shorts or jeans)
Jumper - Bottle Green, Woolen jumper with school logo.
Shirt - Gold polo shirt (long or short sleeve).
Socks - Grey
Shoes - Black (must be all black)
Sports Uniform Boys & Girls
Tracksuit pants - Bottle green (shorts may be worn during sport lessons)
Shirts - Gold polo shirts.
Socks - Plain White anklets or St. Patrick’s socks
Shoes - Sport shoes
Year 6 Jumper - Only worn with the Sports Uniform on Sports Days
Tracksuits are for both the boys and the girls. They are to be worn on sport days only or if requested on certain excursions. The sports days are listed below for all classes.
Have a fantastic Easter and holiday break - we look forward to a positive term ahead!
Kind regards,
Ben Shields