Where everyone knows your name! 

Calendar Dates- What's on.


15th             Term 2 Commences

17th             Little Chompers Dental visit - P-Yr 3

18th             Yr 4-6 Gala Sports Day

19th             Assembly 9.00am

25th             ANZAC Day - Public Holiday

26th             School Closure Day

29th             P-Yr 4 Swimming Commences-1week duration


2nd               School Photos

3rd                St Philip's Day








Look with favour, Lord,

on your household.

Grant that, though our flesh be 

humbled by abstinence from food,

our souls, hungering after you,

may be resplendent in your sight.


From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


This morning we reflected on the sacrifice that Jesus made for all peoples .  As we enter the season of Easter, we are filled with hope, joy, and gratitude for the many blessings surrounding us. It is a time of renewal, reflection and new beginnings.  


As Term One comes to an end I express my gratitude to all staff at St Philip’s for their ongoing commitment and dedication to our students and their families. It has been a positive and productive start to the year with all students settling into classroom routines and engaging in teaching and learning activities.   


All learning this term has been underpinned by our broad concept ‘community’. Having this as our focus has enabled students to experience connectedness to our community while also learning how they can support others through respectful relationships. 


Last night was a wonderful celebration for our community as we gathered for the family faith night. These are moments that enable us to come closer to God in prayer and community.



Today we farewell Akain from Prep who is leaving St Philip’s. Akain and his family are moving to their new home during the holidays. We wish them well with their move and we wish Aikain well as he settles into his new school.

We also farewell Mrs Trish Grayson today. Trish is also moving away from the area and we wish her well with her relocation. Trish has worked with many families during her five years at St Philip’s and we thank her for her contribution and dedication. 


Project Compassion

Supporting Project Compassion is important to our students, not just from the charitable aspect of donating money but also in learning that their contribution can create change in the lives of others. Students learn that the money we donate to Caritas contributes to the implementation of initiatives such as education programs, agricultural projects, and developing infrastructure that supports clean drinking water in communities. These initiatives contribute to the dignity of others through increasing their participation in society and giving them a voice in their own communities. We thank everyone for the generosity shown in their donations. 


Community Art Competition

Forest Hill Police Station is holding a community art competition. They want to update the police station foyer and are inviting students to enter a drawing/painting, or similar that they can hang in the entrance. All entries must be done on A4 paper and close on 26 April. The school will submit entries on behalf of students next term. We will send out reminders in the first week next term. Though this might be something that students can do during the holidays. 


Easter Raffle

Thank you to all families who donated to the Easter Raffle, and to the parents and friends for preparing the prizes. Our lucky winners were: 1st Mrs Sherriff; 2nd Aria C; 3rd Christopher; 4th Alexa B; 5th Weston H; 6th Dhakshina; 7th Rosie W.


Norah F was the winner of the Noel Jones ‘guess how may eggs in the jar’ competition. 


VIP Car Park Raffle

The VIP car park raffle was also drawn today. If you had a ticket in the Easter raffle you were part of this raffle as well. The winner is eligible to use the car park closest to the School Office for the remainder of the year. The winner is: Jessie K’s family.


School Assembly

Everyone is welcome to attend our weekly assembly at 9.00am on Fridays. Week One of Term Two will be a general assembly. From Week Three classes will be scheduled to present their learning at assemblies. The schedule for this will be sent out in Week One.


School Closure Days Semester One

Our second school closure day is planned for Friday 26 April, 2024. The focus of this day is wellbeing and social and emotional learning. 

Warmest regards,

Michelle Worcester





The Sports and Excursion Fund provided by the Victorian Government is once again available to families where a parent has a valid concession card IE; Health Care Card.

Please get in touch with the office to obtain an application form.



Elite School Photography will be taking school photos on Thursday 2nd of May.

Further information to follow next term.



STEM MAD is coming!

The STEM MAD Student Showcase is a celebration of student learning designed to acknowledge and promote STEM learning initiatives that address real-world problems and demonstrate the particularity of Catholic Schools; encouraging students to make a difference (MAD) in the world by acting for justice and the common good. 


We had great success at STEM MAD last year with a group of our students winning the Young Health Innovation Award. In preparation of STEM MAD 2024 I've encouraged students to please be on the lookout these school holidays for real-world problems, eg. public transport issues, pollution, environmental problems etc. I encourage you to discuss this with your child and brainstorm some possible solutions.

We'll start STEM MAD projects in Term 2.


Thank you for your support,

Michelle Sherriff



Our Students celebrated Harmony Day on Tuesday, coming together as a community to 

celebrate diversity and promote this years theme " Everyone Belongs"
















Last week we travelled by bus to the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show for

a whole school excursion as part of our STEM program. What a fabulous day we all had. "Sustainable Sophie" was on display, the students participated in various activities, including plant potting, seed ball making, learning about Bees and their habitats just to name a few. Thank you to Mrs Sherriff for organising a great day out.




































On Thursday,  21\3\2024,  we, the students of St Philips Primary School, went on an excursion to the Melbourne Flower and Garden Show. We lined up in twos and had to stay with our partner for the whole trip. 


In our first activity with our instructor, Trish, we enjoyed listening to songs, including the P… P… Platypus song and played fun-filled games. We learnt about the Aboriginal culture and how they hunt Emu eggs. At the end of the activity, Trish drew a special symbol, which means Kinship on our hands using ochre. The hunters apply ochre so the animals can not smell them.


After snack, we watched the dinosaur show and learned about a plant called the Wollemi Pine that was discovered 30 years ago but survived when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.  We even saw a dinosaur called Wally. Then we went to look around all the stalls and we learnt about bees and that there are approximately 2,000 species in Australia. 


We followed the path to see our scarecrow “Sophie - the SunSmart Sustainable Scarecrow”. The grade 2\3s created this scarecrow using materials such as CDs, sunglasses, twine etc. We all had photos in front of our scarecrow. We got show bags that had mini microscopes. We also potted plants such as Coriander, Basil and Mint and got to keep them.  


At lunchtime, we had a picnic lunch under a tree and played Bingo, where we had to find items at the show, for example, an aeroplane, a butterfly, grass etc.


Later, we made a seed ball and got to decorate it with pretty petals of pink and orange. We explored the inside of the Exhibition Building near the Melbourne Museum. There were spectacular designs of floral clothing made by university students studying design and lots of floral displays. In the centre of the building, there was an island of moving dinosaurs and a giant snail. There was also a nest of baby dinosaurs and giant eggs where we could take photos. We saw two enchanting butterflies walking by on stilts, fluttering their beautiful wings over us. Then we went back on the bus and sat with our friends on the way back to school. 


We were exhausted, but we had a fun day. We went home, all excited to tell our family about the Melbourne Flower and Garden Show. 


By Zara R and Capucine M


Congratulations to Norah for guessing the correct amount of eggs in the jar competition.


Cake Raffle 

The weekly cake raffle will be drawn at Assembly on Friday mornings. To support this fundraiser we ask for volunteers to provide a sweet treat (eg; cake, slice, cookies, cupcakes etc) to be raffled.    Please sign up for Term 2 to bake using the following link https://volunteersignup.org/ECRFE

All donations of baked goods require a list of ingredients attached.

Raffle tickets are 20c each and sold at the beginning of assembly.

Thank you for your support


Tuck Shop


Clara and Angi will be managing the tuckshop in 2024 - please reach out to them if you’d like to join the tuck shop team.

Clara: 0449 767 020 and Angi: 0431 021 711 



Entertainment books are another piece to our fundraising puzzle. When you sign up you receive 12 months of discounts and offers - and our school benefits - 20% of every membership purchased goes to support our school! 
