Extra Curriculars

NGV Triennial Excursion
The senior Art Making Exhibiting students recently attended the NGV Triennial to investigate an inspiring exhibition of international contemporary artworks. Arriving at the gallery from Flinders Street station, the group was met by the humorously affirming sculpture ‘Really Good’ by David Shrigley – a giant ‘thumbs up’ to art. Inside the gallery was an array of sculptures, paintings, installations, digital artforms, wearable art, robotic and multidisciplinary pieces. Some of the Year 10 students have written their own responses to the experience.
I liked the flower room by Azuma Mukato the most. The room was dark so that the flowers stood out more. I liked that there was a video in the middle of the room to show the life cycle of flowers, the time lapse sequence went both forwards and backwards. The flowers (in resin) were lined up all around the outside of the room instead of in random spots. Talysah Sheridan
My favorite room showed work by Farrokh Mahdavi…I felt as if I was the ‘main character’ as my surroundings were staring right at me, not only from the walls but from the floor as well...You have free choice of walking over the artworks and you can crouch down and feel the texture of the pink faces. Different expressions and emotions are displayed throughout the paintings. It inspires the viewers to be curious and fascinated. Tayla Eroglu
Within the Triennial a huge variety of art was shown…The ground floor has art pieces that challenge traditional styles. The first and second level have Triennial pieces amongst a mixture of cultural and historical artwork. I enjoyed the intrigue of the first floor with the new installations that give new perspectives on art. I also was fond of the arts from different places and times, seeing a glimpse of what the artist’s life was like. Sophia Podsytnik
Year 12 Staff vs Student Volleyball 19/03/24
All year 12 students and teachers were invited to participate in the Staff vs Students volleyball competition at lunchtime, which was held on Tuesday, 19th March. On the current winning streak side (staff), we had Mr. Hare, who was labelled as the “full of complaints with too much to say” managing to sneak a few tricks in, Mr. Kriaris with his great blocks, Miss Porter and Miss Prosser with their dream teamwork, and Miss Lau with her spicy touches as well as a few “injured subs”, including Mr. Cram and Miss Louden!! The best side (students, obviously) had a great number of strong players, Llexington with his INCREDIBLE serves, Tyrone with his flowing sets, Shoaib and Mustafa with their immaculate teamwork, Grace, Esther, and Mary with their GIRLPOWER, along with Daniel, Andrian and Leta, with incredible communication. Students were overpowering the staff with their subs but managed to hold themselves against this POWERFUL team. During the event, we had a few draws, until Mr. Kriaris serves a tricky serve, causing the students to fumble, leading the staff 5-4.
Throughout the first half, staff manage to bag a few more points with Mr. Hare sneaking in some small spikes towards the front line of our students. Prosser and Porter had serves that JUST manage to stay in and Jean-Pierre with the serve that helped increase the margin of 30-17!!
However, our year 12’s fought back as Grace perfects a spike that leaves the teacher flabbergasted. Mary had her jump serve that left the staff’s front line with confused faces, and Deakin with his 1v1 against Mr. Kriaris, blocking the teacher with a point adding on to 24-34. However, teachers hit back with determination as we watch a long rally unfold until one of our students hit it out, unlucky!! Just a few minutes before full-time, we see Esther and Llexington hitting a great combo, and Andrian sets Tyrone, causing Hare to use his swollen ankle, which leads to students point!
Tyrone does a jump serve, which causes students to hype the game even more, to motivate our year 12’s. Our staff on the other hand are EXHAUSTED, but manage to hold the scores to 41-37, staff winning by just 4 points.
Well done to our staff on your efforts! The next staff vs students event will be our win (year 12 students).
41 teachers 37 students – final scores
By Toefiliga Lokeni
Year 10 PE Wheel Talk Inclusive Sport Incursion
This term our Year 10 Core Health and Physical Education students had the opportunity to participate in a session with Peter from Wheel Talk. The students were able to hear about Peter’s inspiring story and gain some perspectives on the importance of self-talk and believing in yourself before having a go at some wheelchair basketball themselves. This provided students with the opportunity to experience ways we can increase inclusion participation in physical activity throughout our lives.
HPSC Student Band
This week the students from our HPSC band performed at the Mornington Market in collaboration with Lyndhurst SC school band.
This was the student's first public gig and the market patrons cheered on and even sung along with the students! Many people walking past stopped to applaud and praise the young talented band members. The staff were very proud of the students' performance!
Myuna Farm Excursion
The VCE VET Health students attended an excursion at Myuna Farm to complete an Animal Husbandry workshop. The day was filled with applied learning, where the students had to apply literacy and numeracy skills to everything from deciphering various feeds to worming of animals, and then their WHS and Infection Prevention & Control knowledge to the handling and healthcare of the animals. This excursion showcases transferable skills within the healthcare industry and that it isn’t just people who need to be taken care of.