Mabo House 


Dear students, parents/carers


Thank you for a wonderful Term 1. It has been and extremely busy term with all of our usual activities - sport, art, performing arts.


I am exhausted thinking about the incredible opportunities coming up in Term 2! – Morrisby interviews (Year 9), Careers Expo, Interschool Sports, College Cross Country, College Athletics, Anzac Day Assembly, Health and Wellbeing Day. Key dates are published in the school Newshamper for parents.


Open Night

The College Open Night is on Wednesday 24th April. Please encourage your friends looking to enrol for 2025 to book early as we normally have many people attend to do school tours.


House Assembly


This week we had our Term 1 Mabo House Assembly- below are photos of our award winners (and it was a really tough job making the decision as Mabo House students are excelling in all areas of our school). Keep up the great work.

House Championship


The College House Championship is well under way and Mabo is placed nicely to achieve a 2 Peat (3 years in a row). The House Championship:


  • Includes points from LHRs, Values Nominations and Attendance.
  • Points have also been allocated for: Student Leadership positions.
  • Interschool Sports participants (baseball, tennis, volleyball)
  • Music/Band performances
  • Term 1 Mentor Challenges


Current points:


Term 2 Opportunities to achieve points!


Whole School Events

Cross Country (Week 1), Athletics Day (Week 2)

LHRs, Attendance and Values Nominations

Mentor Challenge- Caps to Crush


Extra-Curricular Activities

Interschool sports- various year levels

Music/Band performances

Book Reviews

Student Leadership- Assisting College Open Night/SLCs


Enjoy your break- Up the Crocs.


Mabo House Team