Principal's Report

Dear Parents/carers, staff and students,
As we come to the end of Term 1, I would like to reflect on the work in our learning community. This term has been a busy and productive one, with many exciting events and developments taking place.
We have enjoyed many highlights including the induction of our new Year 7 students and other new students into our school. Our Badges Assembly to recognise our student leaders for 2024. During this assembly, we recognised and celebrated the excellent results of the graduates of 2023. Our annual House Swimming Carnival was held. It was another excellent event led by Ms Erin Louden. It was great to see so many of our students participating in the various aspects of the program extending beyond swimming while displaying their skills, sportsmanship, and house pride. Our Student Leaders have been again active, with our Peer Support Program and with other initiatives.
Our Year 7 and 9 students recently participated in NAPLAN Testing. I wish to thank all students for their efforts to complete the tasks to the best of their ability. The results help to let students and parents/carers know where a students’ level of understanding is at, and where additional resources are needed.
Early next term, some of our student leaders and Year 10 History students will attend the 92nd Legacy Anzac Day Commemoration for Schools at the Shrine of Remembrance. This will be complimented by our whole school Anzac Day Assembly. Early in Term 2, we will head to Casey Fields for our annual House Athletics Carnival.
Congratulations and thank you.
Mr Paul Broecker has been appointed as the new Principal of Boronia K-12 College. I wish to thank Mr Broecker for his dedicated work over the past 5 years, including during the challenging time of covid. Mr Broecker’s contribution and leadership has been immense, this has included, but not limited to; Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Staffing and supporting the work of Timetabling. During this time, not only has he supported many students and staff, but he has provided me with fantastic support. Mr Broecker, thank you, we are proud of you, and we know that you will go on to do great things in your new school.
As we approach the end of the term, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all our staff, students for their dedication and hard work throughout this busy period. Thank you again to our parents and carers for your support.
I wish you all a restful and enjoyable holiday break and look forward to seeing you all back for Term 2. A reminder that Term 2 commences on Monday 15th April.
Wayne Haworth