News from Frazer Rigby

Deputy Principal

Term 2 has commenced with focus and purpose, and it is pleasing to see students return after the break and settle quickly into a learning routine. 


Recently I have had the opportunity to meet with parents and carers to discuss their sons' academic progress as well as their experience of life at Saints. It is always valuable to receive the insight of parents and to hear how their sons are experiencing their time at Saints. I encourage all parents and carers to reach out to their sons' homeroom teachers, heads of year, or subject teachers anytime to chat about their progress at Saints, especially if there are any home-related matters that might affect their schooling.


Please note that the College offers supervision in the Gildas Centre until 4:45pm Monday to Thursday, as well as on Scott Street until 3:45pm. If your son must remain at the College after school, then please ensure that he is in the areas being supervised. The College does not provide supervision after school hours outside of these times and places. 


Cyber safety and responsibility 

Throughout the year, each year level will attend a talk on their rights and responsibilities in social media. There is a growing abundance of social media platforms, however, the message to the boys is that their cyber presence should reflect their “real” selves; be online as the people they are. I strongly encourage parents to regularly discuss this with their sons, I also recommend that parents implement a central place (not bedrooms) in the home where mobile phones and other methods of connectivity are charged overnight. 



A few boys returned to the College this term with inappropriate haircuts. Some were sent home, and others were told to have a haircut in Week 1. Please ensure that your sons are following our expectations in this regard, as outlined on page 11 of the student diary. 


It is pleasing to see that most boys wear their uniform in a way that demonstrates respect for the College. Some, however, appear to be wearing socks that are too short or cannot stay up. Please check your sons’ socks and ensure their shoes are regularly polished.


Thank you for your support in this. We do not want your sons’ time and energy at school to be taken up with grooming and haircuts matter.