The Merit System

Gisborne Secondary College has a reward system which enables staff to acknowledge all students in all settings, aligns with school expectations, and is easy to track. The Merits System has been set up on XUNO with a view to making it easy to distribute Merits which can contribute to both individual and wider awards such as student of the week, and awards at year level assemblies at class, year, and house levels. 


Merits are award against one or more of the school values: Respect, Achievement, Innovation and Diversity. They also carry different weighting based on whether they are: Self (1 Merit), Peer (2 Merits), Team (3 Merits) or College (4 Merits). 


Merits that students have accumulated can also be converted by students into tangible rewards.


The merit acquittal process gives clear instructions of how students can turn the merits they have accrued into tangible rewards as reference against the merit award chart. All merits will be acquitted in the appropriate sub school office. Any member of staff in the office can complete this transaction. Merits vouchers are only to be obtained before school or during recess or lunch - not during class time.