Parents Committee News

Parent Fundraising & Social Committee News
Parent Fundraising & Social Committee News
Parent Fundraising & Social Committee
It was fantastic to see so many new faces at our first committee meeting of the year this week.
We’re off to a great start setting the Committee run social events for the year.
We’ll need lots of help from our fabulous parent community so please keep an eye on the Parent Volunteers section below in each newsletter to see how you can help.
Calendar of Events 2024
Term 1 | |
March 27 | Easter Egg Raffle drawn |
Term 2 | |
May 6 | Mother’s Day stall |
May 10 | Mother’s Day breakfast / raffle |
June 27 | School Disco |
Term 3 | |
July 31 | Pie Drive Delivery |
August 3 | Parents Major Fundraiser and Social Event- Details to come |
August 30 | Father’s Day breakfast / raffle |
Term 4 | |
October 19 | Ladies Lunch |
December | Christmas Raffle |
Skills/ Passions and Business Donations
Do you have a skill or talent that you are willing to share with us?
If you are one of the many talented parents within our school and are happy to volunteer, we’d love to hear from you.
Matt will be sending out a form to register your interest and to let us know where your interest lies.
We hold multiple raffles throughout the year and are always looking for donations to keep our costs to a minimum. If your company is willing to assist with a donation it would be gratefully accepted. Please contact the office and Catherine will pass on your details to us.
Business Owners
If you run your own business, we’d love to let our school community know all about it in our newsletters so we can support you.
Complete the attached form and return to the office.
Parent Fundraising Social Committee
Who can believe term one is already coming to a close!
Thank you so much for all the Easter raffle donations – how luckyour prize winners are going to be next week! Thank you also to everyone who purchased raffle tickets at theschool picnic, we hope you all had an enjoyable evening catchingup with old friends, and making new ones.
Committee Spending
We’re extremely happy to let you know we’ve had a busy termallocating some of our fundraising funds across the school in thepurchase of;
- Cooking equipment and utensils for the Stephanie AlexanderGarden program.
- Updating the stock of take-home readers
- Upgrading the Sick Bay, which is still a work in progress but is nearing completion and looking fantastic!
Following last year’s fund allocation survey with Teachers, Studentsand Parents we are currently working with Matt on collating a final medium and long-term purchasing options list. Obviously, we only have so much money to spend each year, and some items will take some-time for us to ‘save up’. Therefore, oncethe final list is complete, we will reach out to you for you to vote on what you consider to be the priority for our funds allocation before we make any decisions. Watch this space!
Class social representatives
As we did last year, we are asking for someone in each class tovolunteer to setup a WhatsApp group for their class’s families. The group is purely to connect our school community as a place where questions can be asked and reminders to each other, like “Is it house colours today???” There’s really not much to it, other than setting up a page and providing a link to your class teacher to send out to all the parentswho click the link to join your group. Watch out for an Operoo request to register your interest.
Preloved Uniform Shop
Usual hours Friday morning 8:30am - 9:00am
Washed donations are gratefully accepted. Please leave them inthe hamper at the office.
All items are pre-worn and are $5.
Cash or Card accepted.
Parent Volunteers – How You Can Help
If you are available for any of the following, please contactCatherine in the office: orph. 9314-5996
• We are looking for a wiz at whipping up news pieces to go intothe newsletter on behalf of the committee and to produceevent promotional posters
• Register your interest for the Parent Fundraising & SocialCommittee 2024. New members are always welcome
• Coming soon, Mothers day stall and breakfast setupvolunteers; more details to come after the school holidays
Next Committee Meeting: Tuesday April 16 @ 6pm in the staffroom, all welcome.
Meeting Minutes: