From The Principal

Dear parents, students, families and friends,
Since Tuesday I have been at Lorne attending the Victorian Association Catholic Primary School Principals (VACPSP) Conference. I have joined with fellow principals from all over Victoria to engage in personal, spiritual and professional development. The theme has been; Think Engage Lead with Strength. We have been so lucky to have listened to amazing, engaging, inspiring and at times confronting guest speakers around the theme of Strength. Some of the standouts were Craig Foster (former Socceroo), Mitch Tambo (Indigenous musician and performer), Saroo Brierley (author of Lion) and Jelena Dockic (former Tennis World Number 4 and author).
Holy Week & Easter
This Sunday Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Christians, including Catholics enter the holiest of times in the entire church year. On Palm Sunday Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem by the crowds of people as a king. By Friday the same crowds of people are screaming for his death. During Holy Week, Jesus brings His earthly ministry to a close by staying true to His even through persecution and death to achieve the ultimate goal of salvation for humankind. During Holy Week we witness and come to know how much God loves us, 'for God loved the world so much that he gave us His only Son'(John 3:16). During Holy Week Jesus comes to us as the Prince of Peace. He gives us the everlasting gift of Himself through the Eucharist. He outpours His love for us through His suffering and death and saves us from sin and death through His Resurrection.
Please see the Faith News page for a 3 minute video explaining the main days of Holy Week. There is also a Holy Week Timetable for St. Augustine's Parish. I encourage all families to attend the liturgies of Holy Week here at St Augustine's or wherever you attend church, including other Christian Churches, so that you can then fully celebrate the joy of Easter Sunday.
Family Picnic
Once again we held our annual Family Picnic. The weather was much cooler than it had been for the previous three days. Everyone had a great and relaxing time. Parents chatted. Kids played.
Open Day
Our School Open Day with the goal to increase awareness of our school in the community and to drive enrolments for 2025 and across other grade levels was a huge success. We had 30 families walk through the gates and tour the school. A very big thank you to all of our parent and student volunteers. We had over 22 families and 25 students volunteer to lead tours, cook the sausage sizzle, receive visitors at the welcome table and run activities. Also a very big thank you to all the staff who helped out by running activities and answering questions.
Working Bee
In preparation for the Open Day we held a Working Bee to clean and tidy up the school grounds and to prepare showbags and balloons for Saturday. Thank you to the following parents who generously volunteered their time, muscles and sweat: Damien Thaus, Erin O'Donnell, Mark English, Rosie Maloney, Lachlan King, Antonina Deane, Luke Harrop, Ivana Stamenkovic, Van Bui, Mick Hall and Ben Frawley. I hope I included everyone, if I have forgotten anyone then I apologise as I was going off the list of volunteer replies.
Special Message of Thanks
The English family would like to thank all the families who have provided so many delicious meals during the last few weeks during Rachel's chemo treatment. With the help and coordination from Kate D, they have been overwhelmed by the generosity and thoughtfulness of others. Some of the meals were made by parents who they have never met - a testament to what a wonderful community we are all blessed to be a part of. Thanks so much. In addition, a special thanks to Kate D for her amazing efforts too. They appreciate all your kindness so much.
Green Thumbs Garden Group
I hope you have noticed the front garden growing! This hasn't happened by accident. A small team of parents, led by Tess have been watering, weeding and tending the garden at the start or end of the day every couple of days. The 'Green Thumbs' have been doing an amazing job. If there are any other parents with green thumbs you are very much welcome to volunteer and join this group. They have been primarlily focused on the front garden, however there are the other gardens around the school that also need some attention.
First Aid Room
The refurbishment and upgrade of the First Aid Room has been completed. All that is left to do is to repack and restock. Thank you to the Parent Committee and therefore all parents, as it was fundraising that mad this possible. Also, a very big thank you to Dave McIntosh who spent two days giving the walls, doors and ceiling a fresh coat of paint that matches the colour scheme in the administration building.
Journey to the Cross
To commemorate Holy Week and Easter we will be holding a Journey to the Cross Spiritual Reflection on Wednesday 27th March, beginning at 12.00pm. Each class will have a different starting time, so please check with the classroom teachers to confirm starting times. All families members are invited to Journey with us to the Cross and Beyond.
NCCD Letter For Parents
A reminder about the optional after school Youngpreneur Program that will be offered next term if we get enough interest. Please see the link below for details.
Optional Instrumental Music Program
After much hard work I have been able to re-establish an Optional Instrumental Music Program for St. Augustine's. Tuition will be available for guitar, drums and keyboard. The program will begin in Term 2.
The three events below, families are warmly invited and encoureged to attend.
Wednesday 27th March - Easter Hat Parade from 9.15am
Wednesday 27th March - Easter Raffle Draw immediately after the Easter Raffle
Wednesday 27th March - Journey to the Cross from 12.00pm
Wednesday 27th March - End of Term 1, 3.15pm Dismissal
Thursday 28th March - School Closure, Curriculum Day - Teachers planning for Term 2
The bike and scooter racks have been relocated to under the stairs next to the LOTE(Italian) room. From Monday 25th March all bikes and scooters will be stored here instead of in the sport store room. A reminder that it is advisable to bring a lock to ensure the bikes are secure.
I wish all families a Happy, Holy and Safe Easter. May the holidays for the students be restful, relaxing and enjoyable.
Kind regards,
Matthew Stead