Performing Arts

It seems that all the work of Term 1 is now coming to fruition in the many performances of this term. Recently ensembles have performed at the ANZAC Dawn Service and Open Day, with Music Camp and Ensemble Evenings to come.
The ANZAC Dawn Service moved inside this year, due to inclement weather, and this helped to create a very reflective mood. It has been some time since we had a student play The Last Post and Reveille on the trumpet and Daniel B (11.1) did a fine job. The Senior Vocal Ensemble led the hymn (accompanied by Mr Chan on piano and Mrs Clarke on flute) and sensitively sang the reflective song Make Me a Channel of Your Peace.
Open Day featured every ensemble (19 in total), as well as selected soloists. There were two concerts, mostly featuring our large instrumental groups and choirs, whilst the performances in the different buildings of our auditioned groups proved to be very popular. Another feature was the outdoor stage area, where the Stage Band, Forte (a new brass ensemble) and Sforzando performed a variety of music. Diners of scones, jam and cream appreciated various soloists entertaining them in the Staff Room and our youngest string groups filled the Upper Junior Building with their music. It was a busy yet exciting day!
The Year 5 – 7 Instrumental Program is well underway and every Friday the BPAC is filled with a striking combination of sounds throughout the day. Some Year 7 students have started on an instrument for the very first time and others are in their third year, commencing a very impressive Year 7 Band, which even includes a baritone saxophone and a euphonium. The Year 5s have made an impressive start on a variety of instruments, include two students learning French Horn. The Year 6 students are in their second year on their chosen instrument and regularly come together as a band. Many of these students have also joined Junior Concert Band.
This term, you are invited to many school events where you will be entertained by our students. Both the Senior School Ensemble Evening (Week 9) and the Junior School Ensemble Evening (Week 11) will showcase all our ensembles at these levels, presenting a variety of moods and styles. There are also the first of the soirees and presentations by our VCE students.
The end of last term saw Year 2 parents coming to the BPAC to be delighted by their children in an open lesson, displaying all that they had learnt thus far in the Year 2 Strings Program. The students were very focused and committed in their approach to these presentations.
If you are passing by on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and some Saturdays, you may hear the Oompa Loompas or Willy Wonka belting out a tune as rehearsals ramp up for next term’s production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Next week also commences Year 6 auditions for the Junior School production of Finding Nemo JR.
Our Senior Vocal Ensemble have been invited to perform at a concert to raise funds for the Cancer Council, which will be at the end of the next school holidays. This is to be presented by the Ringwood Salvation Army Band and will also feature a guest soloist from the UK. It will be a spectacular evening of music, with more details to come in future editions of The Vine.
There is never a dull moment in the BPAC and we look forward to seeing you at a performance soon, to be entertained by these wonderful young musicians.
Coming Events for Term 2
Event | Date |
Music Camp | Thursday 16 to Friday 17 May |
VCE Concert | Thursday 23 May |
Soiree Evening | Wednesday 5 June |
Senior Ensemble Evening | Thursday 13 June |
Junior Ensemble Evening | Wednesday 26 June |
Junior Music Chapel | Thursday 27 June |
Cancer Council Concert | Wednesday 10 July |
Jeffrey Clarke
Head of Performing Arts