Senior School

As we move into the icy grip of Melbourne’s winter (and onto an extended 11-week term), we give thanks for a full calendar where we are given many more opportunities to contribute. Though we had a relatively quiet start to Term 2, there is much more in store for the Senior School to look forward to in Term 2.
ANZAC Dawn Service
Despite inclement weather, Oxley’s 2024 ANZAC Dawn Service was moved indoors in the BPAC. Our Senior School student leaders led the service as all who were able to attend reflected on and commemorated the sacrifices made by our fallen heroes for our nation. A heartfelt thank you to all the staff and students who contributed to organising this year’s ANZAC service, including Miss Haley, Mrs Roberts, Ms James, Mr Clarke, Mr Chan, Mrs Clarke, Mr Cook, and Mr Whittle.
Open Day 2024
We hosted our annual Open Day on Saturday 4 May 2024. The weather cooperated, providing a bright and crisp Autmn day. We saw a record turnout, with multiple events, demonstrations, and presentations throughout the day. Our gratitude goes out to all teachers, administrative staff, volunteers, and students who made this day a resounding success. It is always encouraging to see members of the wider Oxley community come together and help to celebrate our school.
Upcoming Events
Cross Country
Mark your calendars for Tuesday 21 May, when our students will participate in the 2024 Cross Country event.
VCE Concert
Join us on Thursday 23 May, for an evening of musical talent at the VCE Concert.
Exams and Assessments
- Year 10 and Year 11 exams will run from Friday 31 May, through Thursday 6 June.
- Students in Year 7-9 will complete their Capstone Assessments during regularly scheduled classes. Details and dates are available on SEQTA Learn for students and SEQTA Engage for parents.
- Friday 7 June will be a Student Free Day (Exam and CAT Marking) in the Senior School.
Subject Selection and VCE Information Night
- On Thursday 20 June, we’ll host the 2024 Subject Selection and VCE Information Night.
- Year 9 students will be shown how they will be able to submit their 2025 Year 10 electives and subject selections, including information on fast tracking VCE subjects, submission processes, due dates, and subject requirements.
- Year 10 students will learn about submitting their VCE (Units 1-2 and 3-4) subject selections.
- Next year’s Year 12 students are also invited to attend if they feel that they would benefit for one more recap before they submit their subject preferences for their final year at Oxley.
- Teachers will provide insights into our electives as well as our VCE subject offerings for all Year 9-12 students.
Information booklets, subject selection outlines, online subject selection portal guides, schedules and dates will be sent out to parents in the coming weeks via the Oxley App and to students via SEQTA Learn.
General Achievement Test (GAT)
Students enrolled in a Unit 3/4 subject will sit the 2024 GAT during Week 10 on Tuesday 18 June.
Senior School Welcoming Committee
Mr Avram and Mr Whittle have taken on the roles of the Senior School's official welcoming committee!
No tardy Senior School student escapes their friendly reminders that Home Group starts at 8:40am. Students who arrive late are directed to Student Reception to sign in before going to their Home Groups, preferably with a note from a parent to explain the late arrival.
Senior School Devotion
I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. Ecclesiastes 3:14
The authorship of the book of Ecclesiastes is uncertain, but it is traditionally attributed to King Solomon. He shares with us that all hard work is eventually negated. Buildings decay and collapse, clothing frays, technology becomes outdated, governments take their share of our labour in taxes. Even earthly knowledge and understanding fades with time, and despite all the wealth that he has amassed and knowledge that he has gained, Solomon was still left feeling empty.
The Bible tells us on many occasions that humans were made as creatures of endeavour, that we were made to be productive and to work. Yet, when we strive to gain things that are fleeting, we exhaust ourselves over a vapour. Solomon tells us that everything that God sets in motion is immutable and will last forever. We cannot add to it or take from it and that it is fixed for all eternity. We are shown further that we should never be driven by selfishness, a need for control, jealousy, pride or for a sense of superiority over others. Such motivations will not bear fruit in our lives and will never let us rest. Greed wounds the greedy. Ambition mars the efforts of those consumed by unchecked personal ambition. If God has given you talent or intelligence, it was put in you to serve his will for the benefit of others.
If He has given you wealth, and you can live with an open hand, then that is where real blessing is found. Being occupied with God, not personal desire, is the path to joy. We cannot enjoy what He has given us if we are always focused on the next immediate task that we have set for ourselves and on gaining more for ourselves alone.
James Avram
Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School