00A - Taylor D - For your amazing letter formation in writing. I love the way you correctly write words on the line. Well Done!

00B - Steven B - His kind and caring nature towards his classmates, always opting to hold the door open for others, lending a helping hand and ensuring he greets visitors politely. This makes me so proud!  

00C - Patrick S - For showing such resilience as a learner when dealing with changes to the routine. Well done on putting in such an impressive effort!

12A - Joey H - For being an amazing Eastie and always trying your best within your learning. Keep it up legend ! 

12B - Harley R - For trying your best with everything you do. Well done! 

12C - Linc P: For stepping up and being a great role for our classroom. Well done champion!

34A - Zeke D-R - For giving everything a red hot crack. Your attitude towards your school work is a great one to have in our class. 

34B - Jessie B - For always being kind and helpful around the classroom. I love the way you are willing to work with or help any of your classmates. Keep being you! 

34C - Macie M  - For being a bright, bubbly, friendly member of our classroom, we love having you Macie!

56A - Ryder D - For always respecting our classroom rules and consistently demonstrating the PAL values. Well done Ryder!  

56B - Jaraua H - Working hard in all areas of his learning and persisting when things become challenging. Keep up the great work!

56C - Logan D - For making good decisions in the classroom and out in the yard, making you a good learner and overall Eastie. Well done Logan!

56D - Nick W - For making the most of your learning opportunities. You have been a dedicated learner this week - keep it up!





Prep C - Mikayla U - For being an attentive listener and applying herself when sorting words that rhyme. Awesome work Mikayla! 

1/2C - Evie C- For persisting during a challenging writing task. Great job!

3/4C - Anna F - For working hard in our reading mini-lessons, always paying attention and being an excellent role model. 

5/6B - Ryder R - Working hard to level up on the success criteria 

this week to identify the lesson characters 

learn in books.



Prep C - Jarvis B - For his impressive work when making and sorting 2D shapes and sharing his fantastic knowledge with the class. Great job! 

1/2C - Luke H-B - For neatly presenting data in your graph. Great job! 

3/4C - Aaliyah D-L - For working hard to learn the split strategy with 2 digit numbers this week. 

5/6B - Patrick D - Continuing to challenge himself and work hard in all Maths lessons. It’s great to see you getting rewarded in your testing with this hard work.



Congratulations Amelia Anderson