K Adventurous 

With Mrs Achrakie & Mrs Mengi

Welcome to K Adventurous with Mrs Achrakie and Mrs Mengi. Term 1 has been filled with excitement and so much new learning for our new Kindergarten students. 

We started off the term with developmental play, fine-motor activities based on a book or nursery rhymes as well as name recognition games. All of these activities played a crucial role in developing a community of learners and allowing students to start off with a strong foundation. 

Students in KA are now working on building their reading skills. They have been learning to point to each word as they read and think about what’s happening in the pictures. Students have also been practicing to read, write and make sight words.

In maths students have been learning the value of numbers 1-10. Students have been looking closely at each number and how they can represent it in different ways using objects and drawings.