Bus route changes

Bus Route Changes starting Term 2 2024 due to Roadworks - Hamilton Rd New Gisborne
Due to roadworks commencing over the school holidays, the following school bus routes will be affected with new stop locations & times as set out below. Kirribilli bus route is subject to change dependent on closures of roads. Most stops have moved forward 5 minutes to accommodate detours. Families recorded as using these bus routes have been emailed the specific route timings, please refer to your email for details.
- Holy Cross Primary School Bus Route
- Kirribilli School Bus Route - Stage 1
- Kirribilli School Bus Route - Stage 2
- Mt. Macedon School BUs Route
- Woodend 3 School Bus Route
The New Gisborne Paid Bus will still operate however times may be affected. More information will be provided if the bus route is impacted.
The College, Sunbury Coaches and Public Transport Services - Department of Transport & Planning have worked together in a short timeframe to best deliver school bus services with minimal disruption to students in circumstances which are beyond our control. Please email Carmel Beattie, Bus Coordinator, with any queries or concerns, carmel.beattie@education.vic.gov.au