Senior School News

Year 10

International Women's Day


International Women’s Day gives us an opportunity to celebrate the many wonderful women in our personal lives and in our Salvado community. On March 8, Year 10 student leaders marked this day by offering students a purple ribbon as they entered the College community. Likewise, the College’s staff also acknowledged this day, with male employees providing a delectable morning tea.

Progress Reports

Over the coming weeks, Secondary teachers will be inputting data for Progress Reports. These documents provide a powerful snapshot regarding how Secondary students have started their year. For our Year 10 students, particularly those wishing to complete challenging ATAR courses, these reports provide invaluable feedback. Families are encouraged to closely consider this feedback before reaching out to teachers to discuss specific improvement areas.


Quote of the Week:

Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.

~ Kofi Annan


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School (Year 10)