Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

Year 3: Preparing for NAPLAN

Our students are eagerly gearing up for their first round of NAPLAN testing. With a combination of anticipation and enthusiasm, they have been diligently honing their skills in various subjects, from literacy to numeracy. The dedicated efforts of both students and teachers have focused on building confidence and familiarising our young learners with the testing format. We wish the Year 3, Year 5, year 7 and Year 9 students the very best as they embark on this assessment, confident in their abilities to shine during the NAPLAN testing period.

Year 4: Exploring Warning Tales and Celebrating Rosendo Salvado Day

Greetings to our wonderful school community! In Year 4, our young minds have been diving into the enchanting world of warning tales in their writing sessions. Over the past weeks, the class has delved into the classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood, dissecting its elements and creating their own toolkit for crafting suspenseful narratives. The students have not just stopped at analysing the story; they have brought it to life through engaging enactments, and next week, they are gearing up to weave their own warning tales on paper.


In addition to their literary adventures, Year 4 recently celebrated Rosendo Salvado Day with great enthusiasm. Students took a creative approach to honour the life of Rosendo Salvado by crafting self-portraits of the man himself. But that's not all – they dove into research, uncovering key facts about Salvado's life and achievements. The culmination of their efforts resulted in captivating displays where compasses showcased both artistic renditions and insightful facts about Rosendo Salvado.

Year 5: Understanding the Economic Process

Meanwhile, in Year 5, students have been immersing themselves in the world of economics. The curriculum has led them through an exploration of the economic process, shedding light on the distinctions between goods and services, as well as the roles of consumers and producers. The class has also ventured into understanding the intricacies of a production line, grasping the flow of resources and the creation of products. Furthermore, they've delved into the three essential economic resources – natural, human, and capital – and reflected on how these elements play crucial roles within our school.

Year 6: Preparing for a Thrilling Class Assembly

In Year 6, students have been buzzing with excitement as they prepare for their upcoming Class Assembly this Friday. Their focus has been on delving into the model text Beowulf, a classic tale that has served as inspiration for many suspenseful stories. Experimenting with the four writing tools, the students aim to captivate their audience with a narrative filled with twists and turns. The class assembly promises to be a thrilling showcase of their creativity and dedication to honing their storytelling skills.


As we witness the diverse and exciting activities taking place across the different year levels, it's evident that our students are not just learning, but they're actively engaging with the curriculum in fun and imaginative ways. We look forward to the continued growth and achievements of all our students in the coming weeks.


Warm regards, 

Mrs Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)