Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

Our Wonderful Pre-Kindergarteners!


Pre-Primary Red

Students in Pre-Primary Red have been learning about our College's Cash for Containers recycling initiative. They helped to sort through our contents in the bins, putting the rubbish into the general waste bins and the containers into the 'Containers for Change' recycling bin.


Our hope is to educate all students in our College about being responsible recyclers and using the correct bins for rubbish and recycling products.


We are very proud of our Pre-Primary students' efforts in contributing to our College recycling efforts ❤️'


Pre-Primary Grey

To celebrate Salvado Day we explored our College motto - Peace • Justice • Compassion. In Pre-Primary Grey we created doves to represent PEACE, handprints to show JUSTICE and hearts for COMPASSION. 


Salvado Day Activities

See what our Early Years have been up to on Salvado Day!


Speech Screening for Kindy

Please be reminded that Speech Screening for Kindy will take place next week (18 March). 



Mrs Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Kindergarten to Year 2)