A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carergivers 

Parent-Teacher Meetings

Parent/Teacher meetings are essential for fostering spiritual growth, building community, facilitating communication and collaboration, promoting parental involvement, reinforcing virtues and values, providing parent education, and strengthening Catholic identity. These meetings serve as invaluable opportunities for parents to be actively engaged in their children's education and the mission of the school.


At the start of Term Two, we will be conducting Parent/Teacher Meetings for our Primary Years. This year, there are some changes as to how we are conducting these meetings. The meetings will be held on Tuesday 23 April commencing at 1:30pm and concluding at 7:00pm. On this day, classes/College will conclude for the Primary students at the end of Lesson Four (4) which is 12:45pm. It is important parents/caregivers make arrangements to collect your children early on this day if you normally collect them from school. If parents/caregivers also have children in the Secondary who will need to be collected early so families are not making two trips, then this will be possible. For students who catch buses home, we will provide a safe, supervised location for them to wait at school. 


Information and instructions regarding the booking of appointments will be circulated in coming weeks. 

Annual Performance Information

Please click on the link to read about our College's Annual Performance.  

Staff Right to Disconnect 

To assist us in enabling our staff to disconnect from work and technology before that start of and at the end of their working hours please note the following:

College Office Hours: 8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday​

Teacher Work Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday 

                                           (or rostered days for part‑time teachers). 


There is no expectation that staff will respond to calls, emails, texts or other communications outside of the hours notes above. We thank you for your understanding and support with this matter. 


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
