




F1MMandy, Dee and SharynElijah ZDo Your BestI am so proud of the amazing effort you are putting into your spelling and reading. You have made so much growth in such a short time. Keep up the amazing effort.
2NWNatalie and JacintaNorah A

Do your Best


Norah, I am so proud of how hard you have worked on your Narrative! You planned, drafted and wrote a beautifully descriptive story! Well done!
34BBecViolet TDo your BestViolet, I am so proud of you and your self-growth this term. You have grown in confidence and found your voice within your classroom, answering questions and speaking confidently in front of your peers. Awesome work - keep it up!
34KKylieHolly BHelping Others SucceedHolly, you are consistently a great listener and hard worker. On top of this, you are kind, considerate and always willing to help others in the class and share your knowledge. Thank you for always being such a fantastic member of our class!
56SSonyaEli BDo Your BestFor your hard work and concentration during the NAPLAN testing. You used your time wisely and were a great role model for others.
56DDanielMirabel CPersistenceYou showed great persistence during the NAPLAN sessions and put in your best effort. Well done.
PEKate WFletcher KHelping Others SucceedWhat a wonderful team mate you are! You showed kindness and leadership in our last session together, supporting your teammates to achieve their best. Well done!
Visual ArtsKate WTyler CHelping Others SucceedYou have shown great resilience over the last few weeks, showing you are able to overcome obstacles and help others achieve their best. Thank you for your wonderful support of our foundation students during their first art lesson, you were patient and kind with each student. Well done Tyler. 
Performing ArtsBecCharley WDo your bestFor your amazing concentration when working out a pitch ladder and rhythm of sound for your partner to guess! You set straight to work on your task, helping and listening carefully to your partner when it was their turn. Well done Charley, you are well on your way to becoming a great musician!