Languages- Auslan
Australian Sign Language
Languages- Auslan
Australian Sign Language
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Amanda Oakley (Languages- Auslan)
Shar Stjerne (Languages- Auslan)
The Foundation students have been exploring signs for numbers 0-10 and playing an array of movement and matching games, puzzles and drawing activities around this topic. They are amazed that we can count from 0-10 and beyond using one hand.
The students have also been learning about signs for family members such as brother, sister, baby. mother and father. We have shared discussions that everyone has a different family, and some students have family members in different houses.
Year one and two students have been revising the number signs through playing games such as fruit salad (a running game) and inside eye spy on number charts. I am observing that the students are more frequently trying to participate in these activities using signing as opposed to relying on their voice. Both Yr 1 and Yr 2 students have been completing portfolio tasks in relation to family signs and using descriptive signs when signing about their monster creation.
The Three/Four classes finally put all their work together for the portfolio task "Having a conversation about my Family or VIP tree". Throughout the term we have been asking and answering questions about people, family and community members. Learning has focused on facial expressions, fingerspelling and phrases to help them put it all together. This has culminated in having a brief conversation with a friend about their communities. Well done to everyone on all of your hard work.
The Five/Six classrooms have been putting their portfolio pieces together and having great conversations in Auslan about their communities. Keeping eye contact, following the phrases, answering questions were all part of our learning this term. As the students completed their portfolio task they showed a great sense of achievement which will build over the next few terms as we explore more topics.