Foundation Day Service

We are excited to share that the 2024 Foundation Day celebration will take place at the Sacred Heart Cathedral on Friday 3 May, starting promptly at 6pm and finishing at 7pm. This year, we are proud to commemorate the 140th anniversary of Girton.


Student attendance

This is a compulsory event for all students in Years 3 to 12, who should be immaculately presented in full winter uniform, including blazers for students in Years 6 to 12. Students should arrive by 5:30pm to ensure they are seated in their designated area by 5:45pm, and students who are performing in musical ensembles are required to arrive at the Cathedral by 5:20pm. 


Students with exceptional circumstances can request permission to be absent; please apply in writing to Ms Dawn Davis (Head of Senior School) for Senior School students and Mr Donald Thompson (Head of Junior School) for Junior School students.


To ensure compliance with the Cathedral's seating limits and safety requirements, only a limited number of guests can be accommodated. As a result, we will be offering Girton families the opportunity to attend the Foundation Day Church Service via a free ticketing system, which will be shared via email next week. Please note that Girton students have been accommodated for and do not require a ticket. The Foundation Day Church Service will also be live-streamed, with the link to be advertised closer to the event.


We look forward to welcoming students, parents and carers to this important school event. Our Foundation Day Church Service is always a wonderful evening in a magnificent setting, where we relish the opportunity to show our collective gratitude for the hard work of our school founders and those who have built on their legacy.