Year 8 Achieve Program

In the last two weeks of Term 1, the Year 8 Achieve students visited classes in the Junior School to run a series of activities about self-esteem and conflict resolution. As part of the Year 8 Achieve unit on Respectful Relationships, the students worked hard to research, plan and develop a 20-minute lesson that included engaging and age-appropriate activities for the younger students. These lessons included learning to:

  • recognise positive and negative self-talk 
  • understand how our actions impact on other people
  • practise ways to resolve conflict
  • develop strategies to build their own self-esteem and help others to feel good about themselves too!

It was wonderful to see the Year 8s connect with the younger students and feel a sense of responsibility and value in their learning. Judging by the many smiling faces, avid conversations, game play and general buzz in the room, it was a valuable learning experience for both the Senior and Junior School students.


Here are some insights from 8C, who visited the Prep classes on Tuesday:


"I enjoyed that I saw a very shy girl at the start, then by the end she was participating."

Rose Bonsey (8 Millward)


"I enjoyed seeing the accomplishments that the Preps made because they seemed so proud of themselves after they finished." 

Ryan Norman (8 Frew)


"Overall the assessment was very enjoyable and we liked the whole experience. All the Preps were engaged and enjoyed our activities". 

Cameron Gidley (8 Aherne), Aditi Kumar (8 Jones) and Charlotte Cason (8 Frew)


Mrs Melinda Naughton

Learning Leader of the Achieve Program