I have been thinking a little bit lately about 'holy chaos.' These two words at first seem to be opposites. But as we head towards the Easter season, the two words are becoming more and more relevant. Both at the same time.
How can something be both holy and chaotic? In my time off over the last fortnight I have been volunteering at a local playgroup. This, for me, is the pinnacle of holy chaos.
Mess. Tears. Joy. Laughter. Tantrums. Giggles. Dancing. Fun.
One of the great gifts of school ministry is being able to do ministry 'with' and not just 'for' our students. The involvement of our Student Spiritual Leaders and our Resound Student Ministry Team in chapel band, in planning and in presenting our Easter services is a perfect time to really action this.
I have been blown away by the enthusiasm, ingenuity and creativity of our students. It has also been a real example of 'holy chaos.'
I am beginning to realise, however, that this is how God works. Jesus, in his loving humility, chose to enter into our messy and often chaotic stories. Far from freaking out when it got frantic, his was a presence of love, peace and grace. Setting aside his own self-interest, he laid down his life in loving service, finally giving his life on the cross.
In his resurrection, Jesus chooses to invite us into His story. A story of new life, freedom and continual creativity which reflects God's purposes and heart. When I reflect on the miracle that God would choose to use me, in all of my mess, tears, tantrums, fears and childish moments, I see that this is truly how he works best.
Witnessing God at work through our Resound students has been a real highlight of my time here. Their maturity, leadership and courage has been phenomenal to witness. I can't wait to see how God continues to use them throughout this Easter season and beyond.
Tayla Priebbenow
Ministry Assistant