From the President

Mr David Mazengarb 

Dear Old Virgilians


In the last OVAtions newsletter, I informed members that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the OVA was to be held on 25 March 2024.


I wish to inform members that the AGM will now be held in late April 2024. This is due to an error on my behalf. Our constitution requires the notice of meeting to be placed in the local newspaper at least 14 days prior to the meeting. This was not complied with.


I apologise to any affected members. It was my genuine belief that communication via OVAtions would likely be more effective in informing members, and this may well be the case – particularly for interstate and intrastate members. We are however bound by our constitutional requirements and I take full responsibility for this process error.


Your committee will meet shortly to determine the next suitable date for the AGM, this is likely to be in late April. All members will be advised by OVAtions and by the placement of an advertisement in the local newspaper in accordance with the constitution requirements.


Yours sincerely

David Mazengarb