Sports News

School Sports
Our school sports day was held a fortnight ago in brilliant, sunny conditions. The students were dressed in their house colours and ready to win the trophies for their house. The competition was so tight early, 1st to last was only separated by 3 points! The 400m sprints followed our tabloid sports and then students had the chance to win house points in their class relays and sprints. Congratulations to the Red House and their captains Luca Borgia and Milly Russell, who won the sprints and Relay trophy and to Blue house and their captains, Ollie Peremezel and Edie Mackay, who won the Tabloids Trophy and the Aggregate Trophy for most points overall. It was wonderful to see so many families attend and we congratulate all our students on a successful day.
Congratulations to Rachael Richardson who competed in the Greater Western Tennis Tournament this week. The competition was very strong and Racheal did a great job.
It has been a busy term for sports and I would like to thank everyone who has helped out in some way, shape or form. Term 2 is shaping up to be just as big. Enjoy the break and see you all next Term.
Dan Cannon