Classroom News

We can’t believe we have finished Term 1 of Prep! We are so proud of the way our beautiful students have transitioned and settled into school life.
We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday for the next two weeks.
We will see you all on Monday the 15th of April.
Over the holidays a little learning focus for all the Preps is sounding out words and blending them together, number recognition and name writing. This is optional and we absolutely want you to have a break.
Thank you for all the kind donations of coins for our Project Compassion fundraiser. The Preps took out the winning spot for the longest line.
Friendly note - no icy poles will be served in Terms 2 and 3.
Here is what our Preps had to say this week.
“I played with my friends and buddies outside. I love to draw things in the classroom". - Millicent Gardiner
“Doing the coin line on the courts and also playing with my friends“. - Fletcher Donnelly
“I have liked the playground and doing things on my whiteboard“. - Tilda Betts
“Everything. The big kids playground the most“. - Ishaan Pinca
Gemma Blake
Meg Knight
It's hard to believe we have reached the end of our first term together. Thank you to all families for the work you have put in at home to help your little ones with their school life. Most importantly thank you to our fabulous students for their enthusiasm throughout the term.
Have a wonderful break and blessed Easter and we look forward to seeing you after the holidays.
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Paula Parish
Emma Roberts
Matt O'Dowd
Amanda Delorenzo
Hello and welcome to Week 9, Our Last week of Term 1.
This week students are on camp with the Grade 3’s at Camp Kangaroobie, Princetown and the Grade 4’s at Warra Gnan, Warrnambool.
Students were asked what they were most looking forward to about camp this week and here are their responses:
“Fishing and beach activities”-Harper N-R
“The rock pool ramble” Samantha D
“Doing all the activities with my friends” Isla G
“Fishing and watching the movie at night time” Ryder P
“The obstacle course” Finn H
“The obstacle course and night walk” Willow R
“The obstacle course and rooming with my mates” Axton B
“The obstacle course and going on the night walk” Sydney B
We are so excited for camp and cannot wait to share our adventures and experiences with you upon our return.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Liza Alexander
Kascha Blair
Matt Absalom
As the grade 3s and 5s finished Naplan last week, we hope they've all had a relaxing past couple of days. They did an excellent job with all of the long tests.
Last Friday, on the Schoolwide Sports day, we hope everyone enjoyed the tabloid sports, relays and running races, and that you didn't get a sore throat from cheering for Blue as they made their star debut by taking the overall trophy. The kids enjoyed their sausages and we would love to give a big thank you to the parents who assisted with the barbecue.
Last week, the grade 5s and 6s visited an aboriginal culture learning centre called Narana on the Torquay Highway. The kids participated in three activities; feeding native wildlife, throwing an actual boomerang (a few even managed to get it to come back!), and a presentation about aboriginal traditions and culture. Everyone enjoyed meeting the adorable wallabies named Chip, Pop and Corn.
On Monday, we completed the St. Mary’s coin line, with the preps in the lead. The whole school raised around eight hundred dollars for Caritas. Everyone did a great job of raising money, and all of the teachers are really proud of those children who gave up their icy pole money to donate to kids who never have even had an icy pole.
The same day, we also did our Holy Week activities. The different ones were colouring in a picture of a cross, making a Holy Week wheel, and many more. We were separated into family groups with our siblings and other people in different year levels.
The Easter holidays start on Thursday and we hope everyone has an awesome, restful break.
By Zoe Featherston and Scarlett Ogle
Jade LoRicco
Rachel Downard
Leah Martin
Dan Cannon
Maegen Potter