Religious Education News

Holy Week Activities
On Monday the children gathered in family groups to work with different teachers to deepen their understanding of the Holy Week story and events. They created art works, went on scavenger hunts, learned songs, made palm branches and watched short stories about each of the days. Some children then presented back to the whole school community about what they had learned or created.
Caritas Coin Line
Well done to the Social Justice team for organising the coin line and a great deal of thanks to the families who supported Caritas with donations. The children raised approximately $875!
Easter Mass times
Holy Thursday 6pm
Good Friday 3pm
Easter saturday 6pm
Easter Sunday 9am and 11am
Stations of the Cross
Trinity College will be leading an Ecumenical Stations of the Cross 10 am Good Friday at the Botanic Gardens. All welcome.
Prayer Gathering
Friday 19th April our term 2 Prayer Gatherings will recommence with Kascha and her Grade 4 students leading us in an Alleluia prayer time to celebrate the Risen Lord. All welcome.
The following week Matt’s Grade 4 students will lead us in prayer for Anzac day.
Have a safe and wonderful Easter break.
Jayne Brumby
Religious Education Leader