Principal's Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the past few weeks the children have been learning about Holy Week and the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus. On Monday the children worked in their family groups, completed Holy Week activities and then shared them at a whole school assembly. One of the common questions that children ask at this time of the year is “Why did Jesus die on the cross?” And “Why is it called Good Friday?” An easy and appropriate answer we use is “Because He loved us.” This can be somewhat confusing for children, so I would like to share with you an explanation that may give you a deeper understanding and help you explain it further with your children;
Essentially, this simply means that Jesus’ resurrection was a victory over the power of sin (evil) and of death. Jesus’ resurrection destroys the power of evil in our lives (such as that of the Romans who crucified him); evil is no longer dominant. Jesus’ resurrection also demonstrates his ability to provide for our own resurrections at some point after death. So death is no longer final and it loses its terrible fear and control over us.
A Lenten Prayer
Loving God,
We know that because of the great love Jesus had for you,
and because of the love you have for us,
Jesus completed your will,
and through his death, gave us a way home to you.
This is our sure hope.
Send your Spirit upon us that we might truly be people
who live the salvation Jesus gave us.
We ask this through your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Grade 3 and 4 Camps
On Wednesday our Grade 3 and 4 students headed off to adventure camps at Kangaroobie in Princetown and Warrnambool. They have all been counting down the days for weeks now and have been looking forward to it immensely. I was fortunate to drive to Kangaroobie last night and spend some time with our Grade 3 students and they had an action packed, fun-filled first day.
We look forward to the Grade 3/4s returning today to share all their wonderful stories and adventures.
Movie Tickets
A reminder to all families with the holidays coming up, that discounted movie tickets can be purchased from the school office.
A big thank you and congratulations to everyone on what has been a great start to the year. Your ongoing support for our school is appreciated and we look forward to an exciting 3 terms ahead.
Easter is a wonderful time to relax and spend quality time with family and friends. Have a safe and happy Easter and I look forward to seeing everyone next term.
Michael Mahoney (Principal)