General News

Intention to Apply for Year 5 Entry to an Opportunity Class in 2025
Opportunity classes are offered in Years 5 and 6, with parents/carers applying in Year 4. Students who are successfully placed will usually have to leave their current school to enrol in a school with an opportunity class for Years 5 and 6. Opportunity classes cater for primary school students who have high academic potential or who are intellectually gifted. They provide an environment where students can learn and make friends with classmates of similar ability. This can benefit a student’s academic progress and their wellbeing.
If you would like to have your Year 4 child considered for Year 5 opportunity class entry in 2025, you must apply online between Thursday 4 April and Monday 20 May 2024 at: You must use your own email address and not one belonging to your child. Late applications are not usually accepted. The Opportunity Class Placement Test will be held on Thursday 1 August 2024.
Please read the information that will be communicated in the School eNews message to all Year 4 parents. Please then submit your application online as per the instructions and also return the "intention to apply" note back to the school office by 6 May 2024.
From the Office
Please attend to the following correspondence:
- Stage 3 PG Movie Permission
- Cross Country
- Soccer PSSA Knockout Competition