St Patrick's Day

What a super exciting day we had yesterday!
The students were sooooooooooo excited and engaged. It was a delight to witness.
All classes worked collaboratively together to make the longest line of silver coins to raise funds for Caritas. There was not a gap to be seen and coins were just touching to make every centimeter count.
Congratulations to the winning class 3/4T
They have been rewarded with an icy-pole and a visit to the park on a day of their choice.
There were so many silver coins that the counting machine BROKE!!! We cannot wait to share with you the total money raised on our last day of term to celebrate our efforts (in our pyjamas)!! A VERY big thankyou to everyone.
We THANK all of our FAMILIES for your generosity and compassion in actively participating in our Lenten initiatives this month donating funds to support Caritas Australia.
Project Compassion boxes will be due to be handed into the office please by Monday 24th March so we can count how much we as a school community have raised and celebrate our efforts forwarding the money onto Caritas ASAP. You can also donate via their website at:
So far we have raised $357.20 for Crazy hair and Crazy socks day combined. This week, on Friday March 22, we celebrate Harmony day and ask the students to wear a 'touch of Orange' to represent and celebrate our heritage and inclusive practices.
Pyjama day will be timely, to celebrate our last day of the term! I think we are all ready for a big rest, despite it having been a short term, it has been a very busy one indeed!
Thankyou again to everyone. We are so very appreciative of your generosity.
Throughout the year, all classes rotate and attend weekly Mass on Friday mornings with Bishop Hart at 9:15am. Families are most welcome to join in the celebration with your child.
Please note that the class rostered on for Mass will not attend assembly that fortnight, however, the students receiving the award will stay with a neighbouring class so they are present to receive their acknowledgement.
*Please note that some of our whole school Masses are on Wednesdays.
Date | Class attending Weekly Mass and Whole school Mass dates |
Wk 8 Friday 22nd March | 12R - Miss Rachele |
Wk 9 WED 27th March | End of Term Mass - 9.15 Whole school |