Parents Association

It's hard to believe that we're approaching the end of term 1 already. Time flies when you're having fun!
After a wonderful start to the year with so many parents joining us at the Welcome Event, we're looking forward to hosting the Prep Dinner this Friday night. This is a special event that brings together our prep families and builds the foundation for many years of friendship.
Next term, we'll host the major fundraiser event and celebrate Mothers Day at school. More details to follow.
A reminder of our fantastic Easter Raffle. Thanks to your generous donations, we have 12 egg-cellent hampers available.
Get your raffle tickets and there's a high chance your family could be celebrating Easter with a delicious basket of chocolate goodies.
Also there is 'Guess the number of Eggs' in the jar, in the office. 3 guesses for $2.00
Thank you to everyone who has supported the PA in Term 1. We look forward to more fun and fundraising success next term.
We hope you all have a safe and happy Easter break.