Prep to Grade 2:

We've had a busy start back to term 2 in the junior module!
Continuing on with our Inquisitive Minds unit from first term about place and community, we were lucky enough to receive two visits from our local firefighters.
On the first day back at school, our Foundation to Year 2 students learned all about fire fighting and fire safety. Students learned how to "Stop, Drop, Cover, and Roll" if they are ever on fire, and to "Crawl Down Low, and GO, GO, GO" to escape fire. Students learned the importance of avoiding the smoke cloud, and got to see the full firefighting uniform with the breathing apparatus!
The fire fighters even left our students with some homework to check their smoke alarms and discuss a safe meeting place and exit plan in the event of an emergency at their home.
In Week 2, our students were absolutely delighted to get to see the fire truck with all of its equipment. Students were able to climb through the truck and see what fire fighters would be working with when they are called to an emergency.
The best part of the visit for many of our students was getting to hold and shoot the fire hose. Every child got a turn with the hose... the oval has never looked greener!
Thank you to the Glen Waverley Fire Fighters for being helpers in our community and helping our little ones to understand fire safety.