Principal's Update

Welcome back to Term 2!
Lest we forget!
Our WMPS leaders and our Junior School Council representatives did an excellent job putting on Assembly in rememberance of our soldiers on Anzac Day April 25.
The Junior School Council placed the wreaths of handmade poppies onto the display board and the School leaders spoke with passion about the Anzacs.
There were some delicious anzac biscuits being made throughout the week with the delicious smell wafting all over the school.
We made over $1400 for WMPS!! The fundraising events this year are all going towards the new surface on the basketball courts.
Thank you to everyone who helped out at the Bunnings Notting hill sausage sizzle - it was great day with lots of sales. Please support BUNNINGS NOTTING HILL as they are helping us alot with donations for our Kitchen Garden Program.
We also really appreciated the kind donations of sauce and napkins etc from many families.
A big thank you to JEN COLES for once again co-ordinating this event!
Thank you so much ANDREW NOORDHOFF for coming in during the holidays and creating a fabulous entry to our Kitchen Garden.
The rest of the fencing together with a general tidy up of the kitchen garden area and the chook house will occur at THE WORKING BEE 9-11am this Saturday 4th May, we appreciate your help.
Our garden is looking magnificent - with lots of lettuce varieties and other vegetables growing. Mandy Dennehy and Di Fuller are doing a fantastic job with the SAKG!
As always we have hit the ground running - this time literally!
Our school cross country was held earlier this week and it looked to me like all those kilometres that are being run at lunchtime in Kilometre Club are really helping. The whole school event we had was fantastic - with lots of support for our runners!
Our Prep to grade 2 students got to see what it's like by running the course for 10 minutes! A big effort.
Congratulations to the students who have been selected to continue on to the District Cross Country level on Monday 6th May.
Here are all the details for the Wellington District Cross Country
Races start at 12.30pm at Norton’s Park
We have 19 going.
10 and under (2km)
Josie, Reet, Yuma
Reed, Archie, Callum M, Santi, Hemish, Bivaan, Akeai
11 (3km)
Mia, Ella B
Mitchy, Zach A, Panav
12+ (3km)
Ilikana, Locklin, Jet
We are very proud of you all, just remember to pace yourself in the race!
Many thanks to BEN ELLIOTT for co-ordinating these events.
We have a new Billboard
Have you seen our new Billboard?
The first student to find Mrs Thornton and tell her where our new bill board is wins a free zooper dooper!
Walk to school May 10th.
Our Mothers Day Stall will be held on Wednesday May 8th.
Friday May 10th at 2.30pm Mums and special people are invited into our classrooms for a Devonshire tea with scones made by our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden team.
We would love you to also join us at 3pm for our assembly.
I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Mothers Day.
If you know of any potential Prep students for 2025 please ask them to come for a tour and we can show of our fabulous school! Thanks!
Have a great weekend