P&F News


On Tuesday 4th June the P&F will hold their AGM meeting. The meeting will start at 2pm in the School Library. All positions are declared vacant. It would be great to see some new faces with new ideas join us.




The Parents and Friends Association (P & F) is a group of parents and friends whose role is to provide support and assistance to the Principal and staff of the school to enhance the quality of educational facilities for all children at our school. All parents and carers are welcome and encouraged to join the P & F.


•  The P&F represents the interests of the whole parent body. 

•  The P & F helps parents engage with the school and the education of their children. 

•  The P & F provides support and information to assist parents appreciate teaching and learning programs

•  The P & F works to support the school and its students. 


In relation to fundraising, the School Board, the P&F and the Principal work towards shared decisions in relation to the needs of the school and how funds raised by the P&F could best be used to meet the needs of the school. 

Our main purpose is to facilitate involvement, contributions and networking between parents, parish and the school. 



•  To foster a spirit of positive fellowship amongst parents, staff and friends of the school; 

•  To promote a spirit of genuine cooperation between parents, staff and students of the school; 

•  To provide financial assistance for the development of the school’s facilities and teaching resources; 

•  To provide a pathway for parents to be involved in supporting our school; 

•  Building the community spirit of St Joseph’s both within the school and in the wider community by providing opportunities for parents and staff to gather together in a spirit of fun and fellowship.



To undertake fundraising activities either to meet agreed financial commitments and/or provide facilities for the students and school. 

Over the years the P&F have made large contributions to the school towards literacy and numeracy resources, Interactive Whiteboards, classroom technology and music equipment. Most recent P&F donations are the replacement of all sporting uniforms and equipment, sponsoring  visiting productions such as Life Education van, providing all new students with a school hat and funding of capital infrastructure projects such as covered walkways. 


To promote a sense of community spirit within the school through the organising of parent and community functions and events, including:

•  Welcome BBQ

•  Social events including Trivia Nights, Balls and Fetes.

• School Disco’s.

• Pie Drive

•Book Week BBQ’s  



The P&F AGM is held annually and the management of the P & F is undertaken by an executive committee consisting of members elected each year. General meetings are held once per term in the school library. Dates and times are advertised through the school newsletter and facebook page at the commencement of each term. Our meetings generally only run for an hour and everyone is welcome to attend the meetings and meet the members of the committee and staff. We gladly welcome any new members to the committee. 


P&F meetings provide you an opportunity to connect with fellow parents, make friends, learn more about what is going on with your child’s school and raise funds for school projects.



President:  Sal Floyd

Vice President:  Nicole Watson

Treasurer:  Narelle Pietsch

Secretary:  Adriana Pietsch

Email:  stjosephspandfgi@gmail.com



The P & F welcomes all parents and carers to be involved whether you would like to attend meetings or would just like to volunteer to help with one of our many events. Sign up to our Volunteer mailing list by emailing stjosephspandfgi@gmail.com and never miss out on an opportunity to be involved. As the old saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child” and  even the smallest contribution makes a huge difference. Please consider putting your hand up to be a part of our future.  


“A growing body of research shows that building effective partnerships between parents, families and schools to support children’s learning leads to better learning outcomes. The whole school community benefits when parental engagement is an integral part of school planning and improvement processes.” (DEEWR website)