Parents & Citizens
Parents & Citizens
The P&C usually meet on the first Monday of each month from 5.00pm at the school. Everyone is welcome to come along!
Canteen News
How quickly another year has flown by….. way too fast!
This Thursday, Rocky River P&C will host a FREE BBQ instead of running the usual lunch orders. We have some sausages to use up, and a depleted stock of lunch order items which is not worth ordering more for the last week of school, so we will be offering a FREE BBQ for the students.
We have around 50 sausages, which may not quite be enough to fill the hollow legs of some students. If you feel your child/ren might need a bit more sustenance to get through the afternoon, please feel free to pack a little something extra in their schoolbag.
If anyone can help with the BBQ on the day, please see a member of the P&C or let Anne in the Office know.
Presentation Day
This Friday is the end of year celebration of our School. The staff and students have had a busy year, and this is their time to be recognised for all of their achievements.
This year’s Presentation Day will be a little different to previous years, being held offsite. While the P&C have often run a BBQ for lunch, this year we will be providing a free morning tea selection between the formal Presentation and the students theatrical performance.
We will be providing light food options, with tea and coffee, poppers and icy poles for the kids and water. We also have a few cans of soft drink which will be available for a gold coin donation.
We are also running our Presentation Day Raffle. Tickets will be available on the day for just $1. Cash and Card facilities will be available.
Thank you to everyone who has donated or contributed in some way to our fundraising raffle.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE who has contributed to our P&C this year, whether it be donating cakes to out Street Store or Thunderbolt’s Festival Stall or any of our sports day BBQ and cake stalls and special School days, or turning the snags, donating the serviettes, helping put up or pack down the gazebo, or donating prizes to our many raffles.
Every contribution helps, whether large or small, and every contribution is a positive step towards supporting our students during their time at our School.
Also, I wish to thank the executive who always seem to take life’s challenges in their stride.
At the end of the day, the P&C is not about sitting around a table at meetings, or cooking BBQ’s or selling cupcakes – it’s an opportunity for families to be involved and actively engaged with their kids’ school life, to support their learning and to recognise that the needs of our kids are not fully met by government funding.
The Primary School years are an important time for our kids and is time we never get back. Being part of the P&C is about being connected with your kids and showing that you care about and support the journey they are on.
As we celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2025, Rocky River P&C has always been there for our families to ensure the best for our students, and we hope that our families will help continue this tradition well into the future.
Wishing all our School families a happy and safe Christmas break, and we look forward to seeing everyone back for 2025!
School polo shirts, jumpers and jackets are available through the P&C. Order forms are available from the school office, the Audiri App and the attachment below.
We still have some long sleeve shirts available for $10 each in sizes 4, 12, 14, 16 and S.
There are a large number of pre-loved uniform items available at the school office at $5 per item.
Uniforms - Rose 0438 828 247
Canteen - Erica 0422 054 475
P&C Secretary