Supporting Community Partnerships

At Northcote we work closely with our families and school community towards the best outcome for our students. This requires a trusting and supportive partnership that is built on respect.
The school has worked closely with members of the School Community through School Council to create a number of Community guidelines that support both families and the school in expectations and support.
Over the coming editions of the newsletter, we will do a spotlight on each the policies to ensure we have a shared understanding across the community.
These guidelines and documentation can be found on Compass under the Community tab in School Documentation.
These policies include:
- Reasonable and Responsible Behaviour Guidelines
- Complaints Policy
- Communication Guidelines
- Respectful Behaviour in the School Community
To introduce these today, we are sharing where the policies are located and some general guidelines on communication and partnerships:
- We ask our families to please read the newsletter for regular updates and information on what is happening across the school
- We have put significant thought into the structure and timing of our feedback, such as Learning Behaviour reports, Parent Teacher Student Conversations, Assignments on Compass and Semester reports to have regular ways of providing feedback to families
- If you need to speak with your child or pass on a message that is urgent, please contact our front office. Please do not text or call your child during the school day. The statewide mobile phone policy bans the use of mobile phones at school and we expect students have these in their lockers during the school day.
- If you would like a meeting with someone at the school, please contact them to make an appointment. If you arrive to school without an appointment, you will not be able to meet with a staff member and asked to make an appointment.
- Families should receive a response to communication within 48 hours, unless it is a complex matter which make take up to a week. In the case of a complex matter, you should still receive communication to acknowledge your contact. Please understand, our staff are not expected to respond to communication outside of school hours.