Be Safe Travelling to and from School

Please have a conversation with your child about these safety measures
We are asking all members of our School Community to have a conversation with your child about being extra-aware of safety when travelling to and from school.
Northcote High School is located in a high-density area, where peak times see thousands of students and commuters using the local trains, trams and roads: safe and considerate commuter behaviour is an essential part of being a responsible community member.
Some key ways to ensure your safety when leaving the school grounds:
- Students should only cross at the pedestrian crossing out the front of the school
- We have seen many students dodging traffic to cross the road unsafely outside our Performing Arts Building.
- Students on bicycles also need to cross at the pedestrian crossing
- Listen to the crossing guard and staff supervisors. They are there for your safety
- Students are also reminded of the importance of being alert as they are walking to school - phones and music are an common distraction
Around trams, trains and cars
Waiting for the tram
- Always stand behind the line marking
- Do not lean against the safety railing at platform or roadside stops
- Never lean or walk out into the path of oncoming trams or traffic
- Please wait for passengers get off the tram before you board at any tram stop
- Cross the tracks only at designated points, and check carefully both ways before walking
Around trains
- When waiting for the train, always stand behind the yellow line on the platform
- Do not force the doors open or attempt to board when the train is leaving the platform
- Allow other passengers to step off the train before you board
- Avoid running in and around the station
- Only cross train tracks at designated pedestrian crossings. Crossing at non-marked areas is dangerous and illegal
- Rollerblading, skateboarding and bicycle riding is not permitted on the station platform
Victorian Police Transit Safety Division officers and local police patrol trains and pay regular visits to all stations, and trains and stations are also monitored by security cameras.,
Bike Parking and Safety
All students are reminded to park and lock their bikes on school grounds using the designated school bike racks.
Last year, a number of bikes were either been locked to insecure fences on the park or in some cases not used a lock at all. There have also been bikes left locked up on the school grounds overnight and on weekends.
Please consider using heavy duty D-Locks, getting your bike engraved or insuring bikes of high value.
Top tips for staying safe:
- Always wear a helmet
- Cross St. Georges road at the designated crossings. Don't risk riding across traffic.
- Use the bike path wherever possible
- Stay off the tram tracks
- If riding in the dark wear a highly visible jacket/vest