Principal's Report

Dear Parents,
What a fantastic week it has been at St. Patrick's School!
A Special Welcome to Our Preps!
This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming our newest and youngest students to St. Patrick’s—our Prep students! It has been wonderful to see their excitement as they begin their school journey, making new friends and getting to know their teachers. We are so proud of how well they have settled in and embraced their new routines. A big thank you to our Prep teachers and LSO support staff for creating such a warm and welcoming environment for them.
Senior Playground Update
Our senior playground has been completed over the past weekend. It was so good to see so many children enjoying the newly renovated space.
Whole School Mass
To mark the beginning of the school year, we came together as a community for our Whole School Mass. This was a beautiful way to start the year in faith, unity, and reflection. Thank you to Father Justin our Parish Priest, Mrs Ady our Religious Education Leader, our staff, and students for their participation in this special event. It was heartwarming to see everyone gathered in prayer, setting a positive tone for the year ahead.
A Smooth Start for All
We are delighted to report that the second week of school has run very smoothly, with students settling into their new classes and routines. Teachers have been busy establishing positive classroom environments, and our students are already engaging enthusiastically in their learning. It’s wonderful to see our school community working together to ensure a successful start for all. Our specialist program has also begun with the 6 specialist staff starting their weekly lessons.
We look forward to a fantastic term ahead, filled with learning, growth, and community spirit. Thank you to all our families for your ongoing support.
Parent / Teacher Exchange
Please find attached HERE the link to book in for the Term 1 Parent/Teacher exchange. The meetings are scheduled for Monday 17th February and Wednesday 19th February - 3:30pm - 6:00pm. Parents can book in for a 10 minute meeting per child with their teacher. All meeting will happen in the school hall on these days.
Year 5 & 6 Upcoming Camps
The Year 5 Portsea camp is scheduled for Week 3 of this term on Monday 10th February to Wednesday 12th February.
The Year 6 Canberra Camp is scheduled for Week 5 of this term on Monday 24th February to Friday 28th February.
My sincere thanks to all of the school staff who are attending these camps that enable our students to access these amazing opportunities.
Kaboom Sports
What an exciting day it was last Friday with the Kaboom Kids Sports morning. All students (and Staff) had a lot of fun with the morning starting off with a dance off between staff and students!
Sibling - Prep 2026 Enrolments and Open Days
Sibling Prep enrolments for 2026 are now open and are accessible from our school website or from the office. Our 'Open Days' are scheduled for Tuesday 4th March, Tuesday 11th March and Wednesday 26th March or by appointment. As per our enrolment policy, current families will have priority enrolment, followed by baptised catholics in our boundries and then baptised catholics outside our boundries, if we have availablity, we can then accept other enrolments. We are currently expecting to have 3 Prep classes for 2026 of around 23-24 students per class. Sibling enrolment interviews will occur at the end of Term 1. This will enable us to determine how many places we will have avaliable for new families.
The school currently has 21 classes across 7 year levels - Prep to Year 6.
We have 3 classes per year level - Prep to Year 6 (average class size of just under 22 per class). This gives us a total enrolment of 460 for the start of the 2025 year - up by 30 students from last year. Next year we are expecting to continue to have 21 classes P - Yr 6 (3 classes per year level) with an average class size of between 23-24 students across the school.
Taekwondo and Chess Clubs
Please note that Taekwondo, Out of Hours Music lessons and Chess clubs will be continuing at St. Patrick's in 2025. Please see the fliers in our community information pages for booking information.
Swimming Carnival Results
Congratulations to all of our Year 3 - Year 6 Students who competed in the annual house Swimming Carnival on Wednesday this week. Brigid House was the overall winner in a very tightly contested event.
Congratulations also to our Year 6 individual champions - Chloe and Louis.
School Uniform
Please ensure your child/children are in correct summer uniform/sports uniform on the correct days. Please note that the full summer uniform includes correct shoes - black school shoes and not runners/sneakers. I will be checking school uniforms regularly during each term.
Baby News!
Congratulations to the Daidone Family on the safe arrival of Riccardo on Wednesday 5th February. A little brother for Matteo. Mum and baby Riccardo are doing very well.
Save the Date!
The St. Patrick's Day Festival is scheduled for Friday 21st March - More details to follow.
The P&F will also be holding a casual clothes day on Monday 3rd March for all students. Students participating in this event will need to bring in a gold coin donation on the day. The gold coin donations will be used by the P & F to fund future events.
God Bless,
Pat Berlingeri