St Patrick's Before & After School Care

On Thursday children enjoyed making lemon slice. Cassi, Camilla, Stephanie, Sunny, Ben and Charlotte worked together to prepare fridays afternoon tea. Each child took turns with various tasks, including crushing biscuits with a wooden rolling pins, measuring ingredients, using cups and scales, and weighing the butter. Once all the ingredients were measured, the children carefully added them to a large mixing bowl and stirred everything together with a spoon. They then helped press the mixture into the tray, excitedly working as a team to create a delicious treat for the following day. The experience of preparing the snacks gives the children a sense of responsibility and helps them develop essential life skills, such as following instructions, cleaning up after cooking, and sharing tasks with peers.
Children worked together to Create castles, roads, and tunnels in the sandpit, and collaborated during the rock treasure hunt to collect and sort rocks. This supports the development of social skills, cooperation and the ability to work effectively together.
The children engaged in physical activities such as chasing bubbles, collecting rocks, and moving them as part of a treasure hunt. This promotes their gross motor skills, coordination, balance and physical endurance.
Enrolment Information
Kingston Council is proud to partner with St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School to offer a fun and exciting Before and After School Program that operates each day of the school term (excluding public holidays) in a supervised, relaxed, safe and fun environment. Each program has a dedicated Qualified Educator along with our highly qualified and experienced Educator team. Sessions offer a mix of structured and unstructured indoor and outdoor games, art, craft, cooking and special events.
Children are provided with a heathy and delicious breakfast in the Before School Program and nutritious afternoon tea during the After School Program. To make After School Care even more fun incursions and special visitors are a regular feature, past special incursions have included Bunnings workshops, Yoga, visits by Local Sporting Teams and Silent Disco to name a few..
For further information about the programs offered by the City of Kingston or to enrol in the service please click the link to visit their webpage: or call 9581 4867