Welcome to the middle of the term! It is so pleasing to report that students are highly engaged in their music lessons, ensembles and all things Performing Arts. We are looking forward to welcoming you to many performances throughout the year.


Our Houses have been practicing hard for the upcoming House Music Festival. Captains from the four houses have been working hard to prove that their house has what it takes to be champions. 


Will it be Chisholm, shining as bright as stars? Flynn, basking in the light of eternal glory? Gilmore, taking home the prestigious award, or Monash, shouting their victory from the rooftops? 


Come and find out for yourself at 7pm on Wednesday 19 March in the Hall. No matter the victor, the hard work of our captains and their teams will be sensational for all to see. 


Come out and support the talents of our students at the 2025 House Music Festival!

Leah Humphrey

Music Teacher


The Ovenden band rehearsals have officially begun, and our talented students have already shown incredible enthusiasm and dedication, making for a wonderful start to the year. 


We’re so proud of the hard work our students have already put in. As we continue to rehearse every Wednesday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in VG1, we encourage everyone to keep practising at home and during instrumental music lessons towards our 2025 performances.


We are excited for all the progress and achievements that will come throughout the year with such a great group of students, there’s no doubt that they will make 2025 a year filled with growth, creativity, and success.

Megan Waugh & Laura Main

Music Teachers


If you could choose one musical to perform in, what would it be?”


“How did you react when you got cast in Mary Poppins?”


“How did you get into musical theatre?”


Those were just some of the questions the cast of McKinnon’s musical production asked professional performer and musical theatre star Noah Missell. On Thursday 27 February, Noah, who is performing in the upcoming production of Beetlejuice, ran a guest workshop at the school.


The former Victorian College of the Arts student showed the cast how to do tap and dance for the song ‘Step In Time’, using the choreography from the Australian production of Mary Poppins. We were all so excited to meet a professional performer and to hear his stories. 


Noah gave some useful tips on what to do to improve your own acting and overall performance. After the dance lesson, everyone sat down and there was a Q&A with Noah. The cast got to know a bit about life in the theater industry and what it is like to work in a professional show. 

Noah explained the process of getting auditions, as well as how to perform on stage and what to expect while acting, singing, and dancing. After that, some people got a photo or an autograph. It was an amazing experience for everyone and so fantastic. A big thank you to Noah!

Addison Rood

Year 8 Student


Both Tracy Videon and Lilly Tamar-Regev were singing in the choir and playing clarinet respectively in the MSO's Season Opening Gala performance of Mahler's Resurrection Symphony this week.


Both McKinnon alumni and great ambassadors for State Music Education!

Dmitry Serebrianik

Music Teacher


McKinnon campus (Auditorium) 

  • Year 7 Choir: Monday lunchtime

  • Choir (vocal students 10-12): Tuesday lunchtime 

  • Wind Symphony: Wednesday after school (3:30 - 5pm) 

  • Senior strings: Wednesday after school (3:30 - 5pm A01AB)

  • Orchestra: Thursday after school (3:30 - 5pm) 

East campus (VG.1) 

  • East Campus Choir (Vocal students Years 8 - 9): Monday lunchtime 

  • Keenan Strings: Monday after school (3:30 - 4.30pm) 

  • Ovenden Band: Wednesday after school (3:30 - 4.30pm)

Megan Papworth

Head of Performing Arts