McKinnon Economics Club is up and running for 2025. The club has seen a great start to the year with the number of participants increasing exponentially. Club hosts Leo Yang (Year 12) and Obert Han (Year 12) are showing exceptional leadership skills in planning and running engaging activities, games, and discussions every session.
Here is how Joshua and Sophie describe the club:
Every Friday, many eager students come up to S3.6 and take part in the Economics Club. McKinnon Economics Club is exactly what it sounds like. A student-led club, exploring a diverse range of topics from relative scarcity to political economics.
Personally, I really enjoy the club because it is a fun way to learn about important economic concepts that have tangible effects on our daily lives, making it worthwhile to come. The engaging nature of the activities, such as the competitive Blookets and informative YouTube videos, as well as its laid-back environment and discussions makes learning feel rewarding and interesting; especially with friends.
The McKinnon Economics Club even has its own economic system and currency; where students earn ‘McKinnon Money’ by answering questions or winning a Blooket. Students can either ‘spend’ what they have earned for lollies immediately or save up for a chance to earn a book voucher at the end-of-term.
So, if you have an interest in economics, want to understand more about what's happening globally, or just want to earn easy lollies, come up to S3.6 every Friday lunchtime to experience the club!
Joshua Foong & Sophie Yu
Year 11 Students