Here are the highlights of the fantastic work our Year 7 students have been doing in ICT. 


The Year 7 students have been busy mastering new digital tools and reflecting on their personal goals through the "Who I Am" project. 


Keep reading to see how the Year 7s have used tools like Google Drive, Google Docs, Stile, Typing.com, and Canva to improve their skills and express themselves.


Jean Lee

Teacher of Digital Technologies and VCE Applied Computing


So far in ICT, we’ve been using a variety of tools to stay organised and enhance our learning. For instance, we’ve used Stile to keep track of our tasks and goals, and Typing.com has helped us improve our touch-typing skills. Last week, we kicked off an exciting project called Who I Am, which involves completing the My Career Action Plan - a survey supported by the Victorian Government.


We then took the answers from the survey to create a personal poster that represents who we are. This poster includes details like our hobbies, favourite subjects, and the goals we’d like to achieve this year and in the future. To bring our ideas to life, we used Canva, which made it super easy to add images, photos, and design elements to create a visually appealing poster. Once finished, we printed them out to be assessed. I’m really looking forward to continuing our ICT journey!

Rebecca Xie, Year 7


In the first few lessons of ICT, we did many things, but we mainly focused on setting things up our Who am I poster and how to print.


Setting our Chromebook up and learning how to use our computer was a long but rewarding process. We first learnt how to email our teachers. Then we bookmarked all the important websites we regularly use, changed the language and trackpad speed and we also learnt some handy tips to manoeuvre around our chromebook quickly and effectively. We then set up our google drive which was a bit confusing but it all worked out in the end. 


We then looked further at how to email your teachers with manners and reasonable reasons to email your teacher. Finally, we were on the Who am I poster. We first completed the My Career Portfolio. Then we wrote a google document using the information from the My Career Portfolio. We then used that and made a canva poster using it. Then we learnt how to print a PDF Document. That concludes what we learnt in the first couple of weeks of ICT class.

Carlos Jiang, Year 7 


During the making of our most recent project: Who Am I, we used various techniques to complete the project to the best of our abilities. First, we completed a survey that recorded our results and summarised them up for us to transform into a poster. We accessed the survey through an online platform called Stile. Teachers can post links, instructions and lessons through Stile.


When you completed the survey, you would download it to your google drive. From there you opened up Canva, the digital art website and you would choose a template to start your project on. After finalising your template you could copy and paste the parts of the survey you liked best and turned them into paragraphs for the poster. Finally, after all of that, you could decorate the template to just how you wanted it to be! Overall, it was a great project to work on!

Laura Ashton, Year 7


March >>> Forward Fun Week is coming this International Women’s Day - and it’s an event you won’t want to miss! Designed especially for girls aged 10–14, this free online event runs from Saturday, 8 March at 10:00 AM to Sunday, 16 March 2025 at 6:00 PM AEDT. 


Hosted by Eureka Explorers, the week-long FREE program is packed with inspiring activities: from behind-the-scenes tours of STEM industries and engaging challenges (complete them all for a chance to win a brand-new iPad!) to live Q&A sessions with professional women in STEM,


This is a fantastic opportunity for your students to explore their potential, discover their STEM superpower, and learn valuable skills at their own pace in a safe, supportive environment.


How to Participate:

  1. Visit the Event Page: Girls Day Out in STEM

  2. Parents need to enroll their students by clicking on the ticket section (For Student/Parent) at the bottom of the event page. Then click on Reserve a spot.

  3. Buy the free tickets using your student’s McKinnon email address.

  4. Remember to arrange time during the week to complete the awesome daily STEM activities and challenges from our partners such as Google, Telstra, Advanced Navigation, Suncorp, and more.

For more information/queries, contact NED@mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au 


Divya Nellivila

Teacher of ICT