From the Principal

Dear families,
I hope everyone is well as the end of the school year is fast approaching. A big thank you to Mrs George who Acted in my behalf while I was away on Long Service Leave, I also would like to thank the other school leaders and staff who supported Danielle in my absence. We had a great time on the Gold Coast, we caught lots of sun, swam in the pool and watched some Cheerleading. It was a nice break.
On Friday, the school held our FoodBank water fight, it was amazing to see the generous spirit of the STM community in their donations. It was also cool to hear stories of students and staff soaking each other and having a laugh. Thanks to Mrs Janky and Archie L who organised the event.
This evening we will hold our Graduation Liturgy and say farewell to the graduating class of 2024. We hope these students leave St Thomas More with positive experiences and wish them all the best in their future.
I will send a final short newsletter out on Tuesday (17th) next week with some photos from Graduation and the Passing on Ceremony. I hope to catch everyone before the end of the year but if I don't, I would like to thank the whole St Thomas More community for another outstanding year. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
2025 School Captains:
Congratulations to Liam Kelly and Isabella Elkin who were elected as School Captains by their peers for 2025. I know Liam and Issy will do a tremendous job leading by example. I will introduce all of our school leaders for 2025 in the newsletter on Tuesday next week.
Staffing for 2025:
I am delighted that Krunal Shah will be joining us in 2025 as our school based councillor from CatholicCare. More information will be shared early in 2025.
Update on Out of School Hours Care for 2025:
Dear families,
I am excited to announce that in April, 2025 our school OSHC will be transferred to MACSEYE. MACSEYE is an initiative from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools which targets Early Years Education. Hopefully YLV will continue with us in Term 1 of 2025, but I am currently working out transition processes. There will be more information in Term 1 next year. I am hoping we will finally get a high quality service that our school deserves.
Flexible School Uniform 2025:
In 2025 the school will be adopting a more flexible uniform approach. There are some guidelines and they are outlined below:
- Students can wear which ever uniform they like on any-day of the week (students can wear sports uniform 5 days a week if they please).
- Sports uniform is to be worn with WHITE SOCKS.
- Girls and Boys can wear the polo / pants or shorts combination (must wear sports uniform on sports days). Polo / pants or shorts combo must be worn with BLUE SOCKS.
- Red jumper or Blue Zip up fleece are the only jumper options (apart from Year 6 Jumper)
- There is to be no non-school uniform worn (different jumpers, socks, shorts).
- Girls can continue to wear the dress or tunic options.
- Runners can be worn at all times with any uniform.
- On School Photo Days all students will wear Full Sports Uniform.
Reports will be released on Monday 16th of December on the NForma Parent Portal. Please see the PDF (and School Stream from earlier today) for more information.
Year Two Fun Night:
Our Year 2 students had a great time at their Year 2 Fun Night last week. Thanks Ms McLoughlin for organising and Mrs Janky for helping out!!
Last Day of School:
Tuesday 17th December, is the last day of school for all Prep - Year 5 students. The teachers will be ready to play 'Tag, you're it!' with parents at 3:10 p.m.
Return to school in 2025:
The students will return to school on Wednesday 29th of January, 2025. There will be no specialist subjects taught in the first week.
Fees and Levies for 2025:
Please keep an eye out for information regarding 2025 school fees and levies. The eldest child of each family has been sent home with this information.
Thank you and God Bless
Wominjeka Welcome!
At St Thomas More we acknowledge the Wurrundjeri people of the Kulin nation who are the traditional carers of this land where we grow and learn,
We touch the ground to remember the elders of Wurundjeri people who walked these lands before us and also those who care for it now,
We wriggle our fingers to remember that everything in nature, from the roots of the trees to the tips of the leaves, is very important to all of us.
We touch our hearts to show that I love this land and want to help look after it.
We hold up our hand to remember that we need to work together so our land will continue to flourish for generations to come.