Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Facilities News:
This has been an exciting year in terms of facilities improvements in the school. The Yaluk building was opened in stages from Term 2 to Term 3 when the last class moved into the building.
Yaluk provides two regular and one specialised classroom with booths to cater for the needs of the older students. Each classroom has access to outdoor space and undercover teaching areas.
The hospitality kitchen provide an ideal space for students undertaking the Hands on Learning Café Program, the VET Certificate 2 in Hospitality and the Coffee Club program. The skills the students learn in these programs broadens their knowledge and skills for post school options and potential employment opportunities. The Art room has provided a space for the students to develop their creative talents.
The gym, performing arts room and stage has performed as the multi function facility that was planned. The student performances at the end of Term 3 showcased the students work as well as the flexibility of the facility and the fantastic stage curtains that were provided by the Fundraising Committee. Thank you Fundraising and all parents and cares who supported all the fund raising events.
In Term 4 we finally saw the arrival of the mega swing which is 4.2 m high and caters for the sensory needs of the older students.
Throughout the year the school needs considerable resources to fix the smaller items that get broken to the major items such as the broken storm water and sewer pipes in the bus loop and the parents' car park. There will be major trenching to replace the broken pipes undertaken during the school holidays. Unfortunately, the parents' car park will not be ready in time for the start of the 2025 school year - there is further information about the arrangements elsewhere in the newsletter.