Music News

Year 7 Parents

 Instrumental Music Information Evening Thursday 13th February @ 6.00pm


On Thursday the 13th February, we open the doors to all families interested in having their students learn to play an instrument in 2025. 


At Ballarat High School students can opt-in to learn an instrument from Years 7 - 12 as an extra-curricular activity. We have an expert team of specialist Instrumental Music Teachers who help students develop these skills with weekly lessons and bands.


We would love to meet you and discuss your child's instrumental options further. 


The Information Evening will commence in the Robinson Centre Theatre at 6:00pm and conclude at approx 6.30pm



Continuing Instrumental Students Lessons & Bands (Y8-12)

Lessons and ensembles will start up over weeks 2 & 3.

Keep an eye on Compass.

Parents will need to give consent via Compass Events.



Swimming Sports Performances

Music students wishing to perform at the swimming sports - please sign up via the email or come and see a music teacher.