We are a family at Sacred Heart School




Tue 4 - Parent-teacher interviews Years 1 to 6

Tue 4 & Thu 6 - Parent-teacher interviews for classes 2RO & 6KT  

Wed 5 - Years 4 to 6 - Ash Wednesday at St. Mary's church - 9:40am-11:00am 

Fri 7 -  School assembly (3KM - presentation) 'All welcome'

Mon 10 - Public Holiday - 'Labour Day'

Tue 11 - Whole school 'Beginning of Year Mass' at St. Mary's church - 9:30am-11:30am

Thu 13 - St Mary’s Parish Sacramental Meeting for parents - refer to this page in newsletter for details

Fri 14 - School Photo day - refer to this page in newsletter for details

Thu 20 - Dental Visit Year 1 @ 9:30am (consent forms sent home - return by 7/3/2025)

Fri 21 - Dental Visit Year Foundation @ 9:30am

 (consent forms sent home -  return by 7/3/2025)

Wed 26 - Foundation interviews (details to come)



Tue 1- Learning Walk (2026 Foundation Enrolments) 

Fri 4 - End of Term 1 (students are dismissed at 2:25pm)

Mon 21 - Public Holiday - 'Easter Monday'

Tue 22 - 'Student Free Day' - Staff professional development

Wed 23 - 'Student Free Day' - Staff professional development

Thu 24 - 'Student Free Day' - Staff professional development

Fri 25 - Public Holiday - 'Anzac Day'

Mon 28 - Term 2 commences for all students










Ethan Cook



Hunter Clemmens

Bella Shortis



Thea Smith

Yvonne Gao


1 AG

Matilda Keating 

Stella Meesen 


1 LC

Ariah Gibson

George Dare


1 MD

Gabe Trigg

Bailee Rodda


2 FM

Zavier Brooks

Maisy Trigg


2 RB

Elsie Keating

Lewis Pefanis


2 RO

Henley Finn

Isabel Robb


3 AH

Toby Williams

Hazel Cartwright


3 KM

Ryan Redford

Deni Morris


3 ME

Edward Walsh

Archie Tanis


4 LG

Ollie LoRicco

Charlotte McSaunders


4 TR

Alisha Hodgson

Micah Dunne



Lydia Cai

Luke McGuane


5 JT

Cooper Norman

Madeline Dooley


5 MC

Leo Babington

Georgia Papafotis


6 KT

Harper Walsh

Charlotte Phillips



Benji Keast

Lily Simon


6 SF

Dusty McCrimmon

Alfie Doyle


Scholastic Book Club Catalogues have been sent out this week. Please place your orders no later than Monday 24th March 2025.

 A friendly reminder, NO CASH PAYMENTS PLEASE.

 Any queries, please contact me on 0439697532.

 Thanks, Hayley Foster, Scholastic Coordinator.


ON SALE - ICY POLES (every lunch time)

Choc bars, fudge bars, crunch & splits - $1.50


(Please note one Zooper Dooper purchase only)




Children must leave their hats on the hooks at school at the end of each day.  If hats are not brought to school, children will be required

 to play in the shade.  ALL HATS NEED TO BE CLEARLY LABELLED. 

We are  SunSmart 

When it comes to using sun protection, temperature isn't a good guide. You can’t see or feel UV but UV is the part of the sun that can damage skin and eyes and lead to skin cancer. SunSmart advises that Victoria’s UV levels start to rise from mid-August. 

Please remind your child to pack their hat, clearly labelled with their name.

 For SunSmart information visit


Happy Birthday to the following students celebrating

 their birthdays this week. 

Jacob Riches, Lotus Rothery, Henry Canfield, Oliver McCarthy, Eva Sharma,

 Alisha Hodgson, Finley Edmonds & Sarah Laurie