Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Brendan Garvey
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Brendan Garvey
Victoria’s approach to teaching reading F-2
Beginning this year, all Victorian schools are mandated to implement an approach to teaching Reading which aligns to the "Victoria’s approach to teaching reading F-2" which underlines how Reading should be taught in classrooms across Foundation to Level 2. A core principle of Victoria’s approach to teaching reading F-2 is that Reading is taught in a structured approach focussing on the following 6 elements:
• Oral language – knowing and using spoken words to express knowledge, ideas and emotions
• Phonemic awareness –which is the knowledge of sounds (phonemes)
• Phonics – knowing the sound (phoneme) and letter (grapheme) relationships
• Fluency – reading accurately and at an appropriate rate with expression
• Vocabulary – understanding words in isolation and in context
• Comprehension – making meaning from text which includes developing knowledge of grammar
If you wish to know more about phonics - please see the attached information sheet provided from the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Learning.
At Park Ridge Primary School, we are currently using the following approaches (and more!) to ensure an effective, engaging and rigorous reading program.
Please see your child's classroom teacher or myself if you would like any further information regarding our approach to Reading.