PCA News


Hop into Easter with Hot Cross Buns

Hop into the Easter spirit with some delicious Hot Cross Buns! We are excited to offer these classic Easter treats to our school community for $9.00 per pack (6 x buns) as part of a special fundraiser.


The buns are freshly baked and supplied by Bakers Delight. They are available in a variety of flavours, including Traditional (no peel), Apple and Cinnamon, Chocolate Chip, Raspberry and White Chocolate, Mocha and Fruitless options. Pre-order your buns today and have them ready in time for the Easter period!


Place your order via the 'Events' section of QuickCliq - https://www.quickcliq.com.au/

Orders will close on Thursday, 20 March with orders being distributed to students to take home on Wednesday, 2 April.

Easter Raffle - Donations

As we approach the Easter season, we are excited to announce our upcoming Easter Raffle, which will be drawn on Monday, 31 March. Tickets will be on sale shortly. To make this event a success, we are kindly requesting donations from our families. We would greatly appreciate any donations for the raffle, such as:

  • Chocolate gifts
  • Easter-themed baskets or decorations
  • Any other items you think would make a fun raffle prize!

Donations can be dropped off at the school office by Friday, 21 March. Your generosity and support are crucial in making this event a success. 

Spalding Fundraiser