
SKiPPS is excited to announce that your child is now registered on Mathletics—an engaging, web-based maths program aligned to the Foundation through Year 12 Victorian Curriculum.
With over 5 million students and more than 14,000 schools worldwide already benefiting, Mathletics offers a targeted, rewarding, and enjoyable way for your child to build their math skills.
Your child has take-home access to Mathletics. They simply sign in using their school username and password. Please keep an eye out for the password, which will be sent home either as a hardcopy or posted on Seesaw. We encourage you to explore the program alongside your child to fully appreciate its benefits. Helpful guides are available on our website for additional support.
The Golden Rules of Mathletics:
- Practice makes perfect: Complete each activity three times.
- Information at your fingertips: Click the information icon (i) beside any question for helpful tips.
- Learn from mistakes: If your child gets a question wrong, tap the information button for extra guidance.
To get started:
- Visit
- Ensure pop-ups are enabled for the website.
- Select “Sign In” and enter your child’s login details.
Parents can also sign up for FREE progress updates by:
- Visiting
- Completing the form and clicking ‘submit’
- Watching for weekly progress emails
Additionally, teachers will assign tasks that link directly to what is being covered in class, further reinforcing learning.
If you have any questions about Mathletics, please speak with your child’s teacher.
Angela Golden
Leading Teacher and Maths Leader